Data shapes our world and our oceans. As we continue to study the ocean and create projects that will bring us into the future, we need to have plans for that data to ensure its longevity and reuse. Not only is this best practice to ensure an efficient project, but the Tri-Agency of Canada is moving forward in the future to mandate Data Management Plans as essential parts of ethical research. Improving research is the main impetus behind this course, as that will improve FAIR outcomes.

The 7 Ocean Data Things project is based on 23 Data Things by Helene Blowers, but given an Ocean Data context for early career researchers. The 7 Ocean Data Things project is a self guided course, part of CIOOS’ Data Champions Early start program. It aims to introduce early career researchers to data concepts ranging from as simple as “What is data?” all the way through to each part of a data management plan!

While this course is based on the ’23 Data Things’, we modified it and gave it new context for early career researchers specifically focused on the ocean and related topics. We researched the 23 Things themselves, as well as studied different sectors, such as the ocean industry sector, and young researchers who already worked with the ocean. There were a few of the things that we consolidated to make our course more efficient, leaving only 21 unique topics. Those topics we divided into 7 overarching things, each with 3 modules.

Course Materials

The 7 Things

This data project created and maintained by CIOOS Atlantic


Funding for the ‘7 Ocean Data Things’ tutorial, a part of the Data Champions Project, brought you by:

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada (DRAC).