griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID 10-Minute Average Weather Data, Lord's Cove Weather station data from the Wave Energy Research Centre (WERC) at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Lord's Cove, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wind_spd_avg (Average Windspeed, km h-1) wind_dir_avg (Average Wind Direction, degree) wind_dir_sd (Standard Deviation, Wind Direction, degree) wind_max (Maximum Wind Speed, km h-1) wind_min (Minimum Wind Speed, km h-1) air_temp_avg (Mean Air Temperature, degree_C) air_temp_max (Maximum Air Temperature, degree_C) air_temp_min (Minimum Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_dewpoint_avg (Average Dew Point Temperature, degree_C) pyr_solar (Average Solar Irradiance, kW m-2) rain_gauge_1 (mm) rain_gauge_2 (mm) batt_v (Battery Voltage, V) CNA cna_werc_weather_10-min_avg 2-Minute Sustained Wind Data, Lord's Cove Returns sustained (i.e. minimum in 2 minutes) wind speed (Km/hr) every 2 minutes in period. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wind_spd_sustained (Sustained Wind Speed, km hr-1) CNA cna_werc_sustained_wind_2-min_avg Annapolis County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) knwz-4bap Antigonish County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) kgdu-nqdp Atlantic Canada Microplastic Research Project (2017-2020) The purpose of the Atlantic Canada Microplastic Research Project (2017-2020) is to determine the quantity of microplastics in 3 near-shore communities of Atlantic Canada.  Data will be used to better inform the conversation and solutions around plastic pollution in the region.  The project is funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada and is in partnership with Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP), ACAP Humber Arm, and Dr. Max Liboiron at the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) out of Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN).  Dr.  Max Liboiron is our chief academic advisor on the 3-year project, assisting with project development, methods and protocol, and sampling design.  The project included sampling both surface water and beach sediment at all three study locations.  The surface water trawling equipment was built using CLEAR's low-aquatic debris instrument (LADI) design.  This document contains the results from the 2018 surface water samples.  Sediment data results for 2018 and hot-spot data from 2019 will be available in 2020. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Start Datetime, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) end_datetime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) date_collected (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) study_area location sample_id plastic_id type size_class colour colour_2 erosion erosion_type erosion_type_2 beaufort_sea_state trawl_speed (knots) ... (14 more variables) Coastal Action coastal_action_7471_9460_c025 Bay of Exploits Buoy A 1.7 m. meteorological / oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located at the approach to Lewisporte in approximately 86 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.  The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (degree) curr_spd_avg (mm s-1) ... (39 more variables) MI SMA_bay_of_exploits Bay of Islands Buoy A 1.7 m. meteorological/oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located at the approach to Humber Arm, approximately 1.7 nm northwest of Woods Island, in approximately 68 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (degree) curr_spd_avg (mm s-1) ... (39 more variables) MI SMA_bay_of_islands Bedford Basin BOP Level 1 Level 1 data of the BOP profiler in the Bedford Basin cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: sampling_day GPRMC_EWHEM (GPRMC\.EWHEM) GPRMC_NAV (GPRMC\.NAV) GPRMC_NSHEM (GPRMC\.NSHEM) GPRMC_True (GPRMC\.True, degrees) GPRMC_UNKNOWN (GPRMC\.UNKNOWN) GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT (GPRMC\.VLF INSTRUMENT) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) GPRMC_Speed (GPRMC\.Speed, knots) GPRMC_Mag (GPRMC\.Mag, degree) SATHED0211_CHECK (SATHED0211\.CHECK) SATHED0211_CRLF (SATHED0211\.CRLF) SATHED0211_DARK_AVE (SATHED0211\.DARK AVE) SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP (SATHED0211\.DARK SAMP) SATHED0211_FRAME (SATHED0211\.FRAME) SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT (SATHED0211\.INSTRUMENT) SATHED0211_INTTIME (SATHED0211\.INTTIME, sec) SATHED0211_SAMPLE (SATHED0211\.SAMPLE, sec) SATHED0211_SN (SATHED0211\.SN) SATHED0211_SPECTEMP (SATHED0211\.SPECTEMP, C) SATHED0211_TIMER (SATHED0211\.TIMER, sec) SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths (SATHED0211\.ES Wavelengths, uW/cm^2/nm) SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data (SATHED0211\.ES Wavelengths Data, uW/cm^2/nm) SATCTD7229_COND (SATCTD7229\.COND) SATCTD7229_SALINITY (SATCTD7229\.SALINITY, PSU) SATCTD7229_T (SATCTD7229\.T) ... (80 more variables) , , MEOPAR bb1_bop_level1 Bonavista Bay Buoy A 1.7 m. meteorological / oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located of the Cape of Bonavista, in approximately 75 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area. The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. Approximate Position Latitude: 48° 41' 48.50" N Longitude: 53° 43' 06.00" W Approximate Water Depth 60m (197 feet) Data Start Date June 21, 2017 Sensor Height Relative to Sea Surface Anemometer: 4.2m Air Temp. / Humidity: 3.5m Barometer: 0.5m Sea Surface Temp.: -0.5m Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): -2.0m to -42.0m at 2.0m spacing cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) ... (55 more variables) MI SMA_bonavista Cape Breton County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (12 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) 5daj-5icy Channel-Port Aux Basques Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located at the approaches to Port Aux Basques Harbour in about 50 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd2_avg (Wind Spd Avg 2, m s-1) wind_spd2_max (Wind Spd Max 2, m s-1) wind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) ... (6 more variables) MI SMA_port_aux_basques Channel-Port Aux Basques Tide Station The Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) MI SMA_port_aux_basqes_wharf CMAR - Chedabucto Bay XEOS Buoy - 003. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_id buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) battery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V) temp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius) wave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) wave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree) sample_quality (1) sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius) wind_speed (knots) wind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa) humidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1) air_temperature (degree_Celsius) precip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm h-1) precip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr)) compass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree) wind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree) ??? CMAR cmar_c5a5_c41c_2090 CMAR - Jordan Bay CMAR - Jordan Bay. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_id buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) battery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V) temp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius) wave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) wave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree) sample_quality (1) sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius) wind_speed (knots) wind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa) humidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1) air_temperature (degree_Celsius) precip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm h-1) precip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr)) compass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree) wind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree) ??? CMAR cmar_fca0_698a_0716 CMAR - St. Mary's Bay XEOS Buoy - 002. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_id buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) battery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V) temp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius) wave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) wave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree) sample_quality (1) sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius) wind_speed (knots) wind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa) humidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1) air_temperature (degree_Celsius) precip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm hr-1) precip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr)) compass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree) wind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree) ??? CMAR cmar_8f10_9c65_13cb Coast of Bays seawater vertical and horizontal structure: Hydrographic structure, spatial variability and seasonality, 2009-2013 Upon a recent rapid increase of the finfish aquaculture industry in the Coast of Bays, an area of the South Coast of Newfoundland (9 fold production growth from 2003 to 2013), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) carried out a research project to better understand the physical oceanography of the area. This report is the second of a series aiming to provide an oceanographic knowledge baseline of the Coast of Bays (i.e., data and analyses) to help manage and ensure the sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry. This report presents the analysis of 790 water profiles of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration sampled at 276 stations over the course of a 5-year oceanographic program (2009 13). The profiles were analyzed using along-channel vertical sections plots (i.e., transects), surface property maps and water masses statistics. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: Cruise Event Station Type time (Deploy Time(ISO8601), seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) BotDepth_m (Bot Depth(m), m) Instrument time_ISO8601 Pressure_dbar (Pressure(dbar), dbar) Temperature_oC (Temperature(o C), degree_Celsius) Conductivity_S_m (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S m-1) Oxygen_V (Oxygen(V), V) Depth_m (Depth, m) Salinity (Sea Water Practical Salinity, PSU) Oxygen_mL_L (Oxygen(m L/L), mL L-1) Oxygen_mg_L (Oxygen(mg/L), mg L-1) Oxygen (Oxygen(%), percent) DescentRate_m_s (Descent Rate(m/s), m s-1) Fisheries and Oceans Canada coast-of-bays-hydrographic-2009-2013 Colchester County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (19 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) gfri-gzxa Corner Brook Tide Station This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) MI SMA_corner_brook_wharf Daily Average Weather Data, Lord's Cove Weather station data from the Wave Environment Research Centre (WERC) at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Lord's Cove, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wind_vec_avg (Vector Averaged Windspeed, km h-1) wind_scalar_avg (Scalar Averaged Windspeed, km h-1) wind_dir (Average Wind Direction, degree) wind_dir_sd (Standard Deviation, Wind Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (Mean Air Temperature, degree_C) air_temp_max (Maximum Air Temperature, degree_C) time_air_temp_max (Time of Temperature Max) air_temp_min (Minimum Air Temperature, degree_C) time_air_temp_min (Time of Temperature Min) air_dewpoint_avg (Average Dew Point Temperature, degree_C) air_dewpoint_max (Maximum Dew Point Temperature, degree_C) time_air_dewpoint_max air_dewpoint_min (Minimum Dew Point Temperature, degree_C) time_air_dewpoint_min pyr_solar (Average Solar Irradiance, kW m-2) rain_gauge_1 (mm) rain_gauge_2 (mm) CNA cna_werc_weather_daily_avg Diamond Jubilee Cruise Ship Terminal Meteorological Station Near-real time access to physical environmental observations such as local wind speed and direction are some of the basic requirements of a modern 'Smart Port' operation. Along with accurate site forecasts, these observations are essential in promoting the operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness of vessel movements within the harbour and its berthing locations. Amec Foster Wheeler, in partnership with the Marine Institute of Memorial University Center for Applied Ocean Technology, under the direction of the Port of Saint John has added this pre-existing anemometer station to the SmartAtlantic website. This station consists of a Gill WindSonic anemometer mounted to a seven metre tower located on the roof of the Diamond Jubilee Cruise Ship Terminal building. And is capable of measuring and reporting accurate wind data which is reported live via the SmartAtlantic ocean observation system website. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) COVE SMA_saint_john_cruise_terminal Digby County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) wpsu-7fer FORCE Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): Currents This seabed-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), deployed for two months in spring 2018, collected 3-D velocity profiles and surface wave statistics at a location within the FORCE Crown Lease Area. Data are provided in raw (*ad2cp) form, and as processed currents and waves. These data were collected as part of a project on evaluating fish sensor capabilities at high flow sites (cf. Viehman et al 2019 in the metadata attachment). cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) cell_range (m) eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) speed_of_sound_in_sea_water (m/s) cell_size (m) cell_count sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius) sea_water_pressure (dbar) FORCE FORCE_Mar2018_ADCP_Currents FORCE Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): Waves This seabed-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), deployed for two months in spring 2018, collected 3-D velocity profiles and surface wave statistics at a location within the FORCE Crown Lease Area. Data are provided in raw (*ad2cp) form, and as processed currents and waves. These data were collected as part of a project on evaluating fish sensor capabilities at high flow sites (cf. Viehman et al 2019 in the metadata attachment). cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: sea_water_pressure (dbar) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) sea_surface_wave_maximum_period (s) sea_surface_wave_significant_height (m) FORCE FORCE_Mar2018_ADCP_Waves FORCE Meteorological Tower Variables:  a)  Rain (mm) b)  Air Temp (C) c)  Wind Dir () d)  Wind Speed (m/s) e)  Pressure Raw (Pa) f)  Wind Speed Max 2 min (m/s) g)  Wind Speed Max 15 min (m/s) h)  Solar Radiation (MJ) i)  Wind Speed Median 15 min (m/s) j)  Relative Humidity (%) k)  Air Temp Max 1 min (C) l)  Pressure (mbar) m)  Elevation Correction n)  Wind Speed Avg 15 min (m/s) o)  Potential Temperature (C) p)  Date (UTC) q)  Solar Raw r)  Wind Dir Avg 15 min () s)  Solar Radiation (kW); Temporal frequency: 15 mins; Temporal coverage: Dec 2016-present; Spatial coverage: Fixed met tower; How: standard sensor suite; Why: Informing meteorological conditions at the FORCE site cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: StationID (Station ID, 1) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) battery_voltage (Volts) air_temperature (degree_Celsius) solar_irradiance (Solar Irradiance (kW/m^2), kW m-2) relative_humidity (percent) Manual_BP (1) wind_speed (m/s) air_potential_temperature (degree_Celsius) wind_speed_15min_max (m/s) Prog_Sig (1) air_pressure (hPa) solar_irradiance_raw (Solar Irradiance Raw (MJ), MJ) wind_speed_2min_max (m/s) air_pressure_raw (hPa) Rain_mm (Rain (mm), mm) wind_from_direction_15min_average (degree) air_temperature_1min_max (degree_Celsius) wind_from_direction (degree) ... (4 more variables) FORCE force_meteorological_tower Fortune Bay Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in just North West of Garnish, Fortune Bay, NL in approximately 210 m water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.  The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) ... (42 more variables) MI SMA_Fortune_Bay_Buoy Grand Banks Wave Buoy Wave height metrics (mean/max/significant wave height/period) at Waypoint 3 for the months March and April 2022. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_id time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) Number_of_Zero_Crossings (1) Average_Wave_Height (Average Zero-Down Crossing Wave Height, m) Max_Wave_Height (m) Significant_Wave_Height (m) Significant_Wave_Period (s) H10 (Mean height of highest tenth of waves, m) T10 (Mean period of highest tenth of waves, s) Mean_Wave_Period (Average zero down-crossing wave period, s) Peak_Wave_Period (s) Tp5_Tp_READ_method (Peak Wave Period based on spectral moments, s) Hm0 (Significant Wave Height, m) Mean_Magnetic_Direction (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) Mean_Spread (degree) WSP Global Inc. wsp_grand_banks_waypoint3_wave_buoy Guysborough County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) eb3n-uxcb Halifax (Herring Cove) Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in Herring Cove at the approaches to Halifax Harbour in about 35 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community. The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. Approximate Position Latitude: 44° 33.52' N Longitude: 063° 32.72' W Approximate Water Depth 35m (115 ft) Data Start Date June 21, 2017 Sensor Height Relative to Sea Surface Anemometer: 4.2m Air Temp. / Humidity: 3.5m Barometer: 0m Sea Surf. Temp. / Current Profiler: -0.5m cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) ... (55 more variables) COVE SMA_halifax Halifax County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) x9dy-aai9 Halifax Ocean Terminals: Fairview Deployed in November 2015, the Meteorological Station is located at the Fairview Cove Container Terminal on Bedford Basin. The station consists of an RM Young Model 85004 anemometer, mounted on a 20m tripod atop the Ceres Administration Building on the terminal. Data from the station is available in near-real time and is utilized by mariners in this region in support of safer and more efficient marine operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd_max (m s-1) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) air_humidity_avg (1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) COVE SMA_halifax_fairview Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 31 Deployed in June 2014, the Meteorological Station is located at Pier 31 of the Halifax Ocean Terminals. The station consists of an RM Young Model 85004 anemometer, mounted on a three-meter boom arm approximately 20 meters above sea level, affixed to a light standard at the end of the pier.Data from the station is available in near-real time and is utilized by mariners in this region in support of safer and more efficient marine operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd_max (m s-1) COVE SMA_halifax_anemometer1 Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 9C Deployed in November 2014, the Meteorological Station is located at Pier 9C of the Halifax Ocean Terminals. The station consists of an RM Young Model 85004 anemometer, mounted on a three-meter boom arm approximately 10 meters above ground level, affixed to a light standard at the end of the pier. Data from the station is available in near-real time and is utilized by mariners in this region in support of safer and more efficient marine operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd_max (m s-1) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) air_humidity_avg (1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) COVE SMA_halifax_pier9c Head of Placentia Bay Buoy A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is positioned at the head of Placentia Bay in water depth of about 35m. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this high traffic area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, sea surface temperature, current speed, current direction, wave height, wave direction and wave period. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.* Note: This site was originally located at Latitude 47° 47.4' N, Longitude 54° 02.9' W. It was re-located to  47° 45.5' N, Longitude 54° 04.5' W, with an upgraded buoy platform on October 11, 2013 cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree) ... (41 more variables) MI SMA_head_of_placentia_bay-come_by_chance_point Holyrood Buoy 2 A modified 1.7 m. meteorological/oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located of the mouth of Holyrood Bay in approximately 50 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information.This buoy is part of SmartBay Holyrood, a technology development, testing, validation and demonstration facility to support applied research and commercialization of new technologies and solutions in the marine and related sectors. This includes testing and validation of a wide range of novel ocean sensors and subsea equipment.  The Holyrood buoy will provide a controlled environment for sensor calibration, as well as mission planning, practice and risk assessment for complicated subsea procedures prior to field execution. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) ... (43 more variables) MI SMA_Holyrood_Buoy2 Holyrood Wharf Weather Station Deployed in April 2014, the weather station is located in the South Arm of Holyrood Bay, at the Marine Institute's Holyrood Marine Base in Conception Bay. The station consists of a AIRMAR WX200 WeatherStation and a Belfort 6500 Visibility Sensor.The WX200 WeatherStation sensors measure apparent wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, and dew point. Wind chill values are provided from calculations using temperature and wind speed. The Belfort 6500 Visibility Sensor monitors visibility conditions over a range of 6 meters to 80 kilometers. Data from the station is available in near-real time and is utilized by mariners in this region in support of safer and more efficient marine operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) vis_avg (Horizontal Visibility, nmi) MI SMA_holyrood_wharf Inverness County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (17 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) a9za-3t63 Lewisporte Tide Station This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long-term hydrographic survey operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) MI SMA_bay_of_exploits_wharf Lunenburg County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDAPP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (22 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) eda5-aubu Manolis Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information.  The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (degree) curr_dir_avg (degree) curr_spd_avg (mm s-1) MI SMA_manolis_buoy Marine Ecology Lab, Coastal intertidal environment temperatures Marine Ecology Lab - Coastal intertidal environment temperatures. Multiannual Study of Nova Scotia Coastline Describes Thermal Conditions of Intertidal Environments cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) air_or_sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius) sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_earth_tide (m) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) study_name tide_station_latitude (Latitude, degrees_north) tide_station_longitude (Longitude, degrees_east) tide_station_name St. Francis Xavier University marine_ecology_lab_c17d_14ed_c2f8 Maritimes Region Annual Ice Forecast Hydrographic Survey Gulf Of St. Lawrence Rosette Vertical Profiles The annual Ice Forecast Hydrographic Survey Gulf Of St. Lawrence historic data set is from 1972 to 1995.  It was an annual program with missions in the months of  November - January covering 35 stations in the Gulf Of St. Lawrence. The purpose was to obtain temperature-salinity measurements in the upper 100 m of water from 35 stations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence for preparation of seasonal ice outlook by the Ice Climatology Branch and later the Ice Forecast Central Office of the Department of Environment Atmospheric Environment Service.  The data measured included: profile CTD, dissolved oxygen and nutrient data, oxygen isotope, Ra isotope, sediment cores,  satellite transmitting thermistor buoys to monitor the cooling, and doppler current profiler to measure ice motion and currents. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_start_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_end_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) measurement_time (Exact Measurement Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body, m) PRESPR01 (Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level, decibar) PSLTZZ01 (Practical salinity of the water body, 1e-3) ... (5 more variables) DFO BIO bio_annual_ice_forecast_hydrographic_survey_st_lawrence_ctd Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_atlantic_zone_monitoring_program_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Rosette Vertical Profiles The Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) was implemented in 1998 with the aim of detecting and tracking climate change and variability in the northwest Atlantic, evaluating changes in the physical, chemical and biological ocean properties and predator-prey dynamics of marine resources, thereby enhancing Canada's ability to understand, describe, and forecast the state of the marine ecosystem. AZMP's sampling scheme in the Maritimes Region involves oceanographic sampling at two high-frequency (biweekly to monthly) fixed coastal stations, biannual sampling at stratified-random locations during DFO-led Ecosystem Trawl Surveys, biannual sampling along fixed cross-shelf sections (Cabot Strait Line, Louisbourg Line, Halifax Line, Browns Bank Line, and the Northeast Channel); the latter of which may also include opportunistic sampling at stations in the Laurentian Channel, Gulf of Maine, and various Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in support of ancillary research programs and initiatives. AZMP sampling is conducted according to standard procedures (see and includes the collection of CTD profiles and water samples for the determination of physical (e.g., T, S), chemical (e.g., nutrients, oxygen, pH), and biological (chl a) variables and vertical ring net tows. The data collected are synthesized into two annual reports on the physical and chemical/biological changes in the Maritimes Region, and are also used to evaluate changes across the Atlantic zone. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction processing_level ... (65 more variables) DFO BIO bio_atlantic_zone_monitoring_program_ctd Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Off-Shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP) Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_atlantic_zone_off_shelf_monitoring_program_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Off-Shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP) Rosette Vertical Profiles The Atlantic Zone Off-Shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP) collects and analyzes physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic observations from the continental slope and deep waters of the Northwest Atlantic, with the overall goal of monitoring variability in ocean climate and plankton affecting ecosystems off Atlantic Canada and climate systems at both regional and global scales. Annual measurements in the Labrador Sea began in 1990 as a contribution to the World Climate Research Program and have evolved into a multidisciplinary regional monitoring effort and part of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP). AZOMP's sampling scheme off Atlantic Canada and the Labrador Sea involves annual sampling of both the extended Halifax Line, deep-water stations over the Scotian Slope and Rise located at the end of AZMP’s Halifax Line, and the Atlantic Repeat 7-West (AR7W) line, a 880 km-line running from Misery Point, Labrador to Cape Desolation, Greenland. Opportunistic sampling may also occur at stations in the Strait of Belle Ilse, station 27, Labrador Shelf, and OSNAP West line in support of ancillary research programs and initiatives. AZOMP sampling is conducted according to standard procedures ( and includes: 1- the collection of CTD and Lowered-ADCP profiles and water samples for the determination of physical (e.g., T, S, currents), chemical (e.g., nutrients, pH, transient gases for water mass determination and tracers for ventilation and carbon sequestration studies), and biological (e.g., chl a) variables; 2-  multi net tows for zooplankton;  and 3- vertical ring net tows for plankton. In addition XBTs and Argo floats are commonly deployed and vessel-mounted ADCP is used to determine current profiles. The data collected are synthesized into annual reports on the physical,  chemical and biological changes in Atlantic Canada and the Labrador Sea.”  One primary focus is on changes in the intensity of winter overturning of surface and intermediate-depth waters resulting in water mass formation and is part of the thermohaline circulation that affects the global climate. Convection also transfers atmospheric gases from the surface to intermediate depths, reducing the rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but increasing the acidity of the ocean cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project ... (71 more variables) DFO BIO bio_atlantic_zone_off_shelf_monitoring_program_ctd Maritimes Region Barrow Strait Flow Observational Program Rosette Vertical Profiles The Barrow Strait flow observational program started in 1998 and continued for 13 years to 2012. Barrow Strait is the widest of the 4 passages through the Canadian Archipelago making it an important monitoring location.  The program explores the magnitude and variability of freshwater, heat and volume transports through the eastern Northwest Passage. The data measured included: profile CTD and time series temperature, salinity, density, currents, ice draft and ice drift velocity. The time series data collected was used to quantify the freshwater discharge from the Arctic Ocean through Barrow Strait into the northwest Atlantic, and link variability in this freshwater outflow to large scale weather patterns. Annual analysis performed on the collected data include: low-pass filtering, power spectra, progressive vector diagram, tidal analyses, seasonal and monthly averaged stats, mean flow, and ice velocities.  Data from the program, along with a description of the methods used, have been published annually in the Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences report number 190 to 195, 173, 167, 166, 165, 161, and 157. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_start_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_end_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) ... (7 more variables) DFO BIO bio_barrow_strait_program_ctd Maritimes Region Barrow Strait Monitoring Program Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_barrow_strait_program_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Cetacean Monitoring Program MicroCAT conductivity, temperature and pressure time series data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_cetacean_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Ecosystem Survey Rosette Vertical Profiles The Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) first implemented annual, standardized groundfish surveys (now referred to as ecosystem surveys) in the summer of 1970. These surveys consist of research vessel survey data collected to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish and invertebrates throughout the Scotian Shelf, Bay of Fundy and Georges Bank. The surveys follow a stratified random sampling design, and includes sampling of fish and invertebrates using a bottom trawl. These survey data are the primary data source for monitoring trends in fish species distribution, abundance, and biological conditions within the region. “Spring” cruises occur in January, February, March and April, and focus on Georges Bank. “Summer” cruises occur in May, June, July and August and these focus on the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy. A vessel change occurred in 1982 when the A.T. Cameron was replaced by the Lady Hammond and in 1983 when the Alfred Needler became the principal survey vessel.  Now the Captain Jacques Cartier, built in 2019 and delivered in 2020, will serve as the primary offshore fishery science vessels in the Maritimes Region.            Also as part of these surveys, physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic observations are collected as part of the Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program (AZMP).  AZMP sampling is conducted according to standard procedures (see and includes the collection of CTD profiles and water samples for the determination of physical (e.g., T, S), chemical (e.g., nutrients, oxygen, pH), and biological (chl a) variables and vertical ring net tows. The data collected are synthesized into two annual reports on the physical and chemical/biological changes in the Maritimes Region.  AZMP aims to detect and track climate change and variability in the northwest Atlantic, evaluating changes in the physical, chemical and biological ocean properties and predator-prey dynamics of marine resources, thereby enhancing Canada's ability to understand, describe, and forecast the state of the marine ecosystem”. This record includes only hydrographic/CTD data collected during the spring and summer ecosystem surveys, conducted between 1998 to present. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) ... (71 more variables) DFO BIO bio_maritimes_region_ecosystem_survey_ctd Maritimes Region Historical Arctic  Rosette Vertical Profiles Historical missions to the Arctic region in which DFO Bedford Institute of Oceanography participated in between 1975 and 1990 and one mission in 2013. These missions were part of various projects and visited several areas within the Arctic such as;  Hudson Bay, James Bay, Baffin Bay, Baffin Island Fjords,  Lancaster Sound, Davis Strait, Hudson Strait,  Labrador Sea, Northwest Passage, Greenland and the Norwegian Sea. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_start_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_end_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) measurement_time (Exact Measurement Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body, m) PRESPR01 (Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level, decibar) QPRES_01 (Quality Flag for Parameter: Pressure (spatial coordinate)) PSLTZZ01 (Practical salinity of the water body, 1e-3) PSALST01 (Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm, 1e-3) QPSAL_01 (Quality Flag for Parameter: Practical salinity of the water body) ... (11 more variables) DFO BIO bio_historical_arctic_ctd Maritimes Region Historical Coastal Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (sea_water_potential_temperature, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_historical_coastal_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Historical Coastal Rosette Vertical Profiles The Barrow Strait flow observational program started in 1998 and continued for 13 years to 2012. Barrow Strait is the widest of the 4 passages through the Canadian Archipelago making it an important monitoring location.  The program explores the magnitude and variability of freshwater, heat and volume transports through the eastern Northwest Passage. The data measured included: profile CTD and time series temperature, salinity, density, currents, ice draft and ice drift velocity. The time series data collected was used to quantify the freshwater discharge from the Arctic Ocean through Barrow Strait into the northwest Atlantic, and link variability in this freshwater outflow to large scale weather patterns. Annual analysis performed on the collected data include: low-pass filtering, power spectra, progressive vector diagram, tidal analyses, seasonal and monthly averaged stats, mean flow, and ice velocities.  Data from the program, along with a description of the methods used, have been published annually in the Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences report number 190 to 195, 173, 167, 166, 165, 161, and 157. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_start_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_end_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) ... (12 more variables) DFO BIO bio_historical_coastal_ctd Maritimes Region Historical Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Project Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_ocean_tracking_network_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Historical offshore and international missions Rosette Vertical Profiles The Barrow Strait flow observational program started in 1998 and continued for 13 years to 2012. Barrow Strait is the widest of the 4 passages through the Canadian Archipelago making it an important monitoring location.  The program explores the magnitude and variability of freshwater, heat and volume transports through the eastern Northwest Passage. The data measured included: profile CTD and time series temperature, salinity, density, currents, ice draft and ice drift velocity. The time series data collected was used to quantify the freshwater discharge from the Arctic Ocean through Barrow Strait into the northwest Atlantic, and link variability in this freshwater outflow to large scale weather patterns. Annual analysis performed on the collected data include: low-pass filtering, power spectra, progressive vector diagram, tidal analyses, seasonal and monthly averaged stats, mean flow, and ice velocities.  Data from the program, along with a description of the methods used, have been published annually in the Canadian Data Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences report number 190 to 195, 173, 167, 166, 165, 161, and 157. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: project platform_name platform_id (WMO Platform Code) chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) preciseLat (Latitude East, degrees_north) preciseLon (Longitude North, degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) ... (33 more variables) DFO BIO bio_historical_offshore_international_ctd Maritimes Region Historical Offshore Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_historical_offshore_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Historical RAPID Climate Change Program Moored Time Series Data Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: filename cruise_name cruise_number chief_scientist serial_number deployment_platform_name inst_type instrument instrument_model instrument_offbottom_depth mooring_number program project sdn_instrument_id station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (m) PRESPR01 (decibars) PSLTZZ01 (1e-3) TEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C) TEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C) SIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3) POTM_01 (theta, degree_C) ??? DFO BIO bio_rapid_moored_ctd Maritimes Region Historical West Greenland monitoring program  Rosette Vertical Profiles West Greenland monitoring program a partnership between DFO Bedford Institute of Oceanography and Greenland Fisheries Research Institute.  This historical data set is from 1989 to 1994 with one mission per year in the west Greenland region.  The principal investigators were Ken Drinkwater and Erik Buch using the platforms Adolf Jensen and Tulugaq.  This work was also part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) project and attempted to further the understanding of the variability in West Greenland waters and continue the long term data collection in the region to measure climate changes. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: platform_name chief_scientist cruise_name cruise_number geographic_area station id (Original File Name) event_number profile_direction latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) profile_start_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (Depth (spatial coordinate) relative to water surface in the water body, m) PRESPR01 (Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level, decibar) PSLTZZ01 (Practical salinity of the water body, 1e-3) TEMPPR01 (Temperature of the water body, degree Celsius) DFO BIO bio_historical_west_greenland_ctd Mouth of Placentia Bay Buoy A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is positioned at the mouth of Placentia Bay in water depth of about 230 m.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, sea surface temperature, current speed, current direction, wave height, wave direction and wave period. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd2_avg (m s-1) wind_spd2_max (m s-1) wind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) surface_salinity_avg (Sea Water Salinity, 1e-3) surface_cond_avg (S m-1) wave_ht_sig (m) ... (5 more variables) MI SMA_MouthofPlacentiaBayBuoy NEGL, Black Tickle-Domino, NunatuKavut (NLQU0003) NEGL - Black Tickle-Domino, NunatuKavut (NLQU0003). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Postville, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_black_tickle_nlqu0003 NEGL, Cartwright Junction, Labrador (NLQU0004) NEGL - Cartwright Junction, Labrador (NLQU0004). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Postville, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_cartwright_junction_nlqu0004 NEGL, North West River, Labrador (NLQU0007) NEGL - North West River, Labrador (NLQU0007). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Postville, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_north_west_river_nlqu0007 NEGL, Postville, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0001) NEGL - Postville, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0001). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Postville, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_postville_nlqu0001 NEGL, Red Bay, NunatuKavut (NLQU0005) NEGL - Red Bay, NunatuKavut (NLQU0005). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Postville, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_red_bay_nlqu0005 NEGL, Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0002) NEGL - Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0002). Tri-leg tower masts are 25 feet tall (7.62 m) and stations are all located at mid-slopes in cleared terrain.  Sites at Cartwright Junction, near Red Bay and at North West River all include fence enclosures which may impact snow accumulation at these sites.  All stations are owned and operated by the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory led by Dr. Robert Way. All stations were established in partnership with the communities of Black Tickle, North West River, Rigolet, Red Bay and Rigolet.  Support for this project was received from the Labrador Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Nunatsiavut Government, the NunatuKavut Community Council, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Fisheries and Land Resources & Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, and Queen's University.  Funding for this project was received from Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (Government of Canada) through the Indigenous Community-Based Climate Monitoring Program. Climate stations were purchased from Forest Technology Systems Inc headquatered in British Columbia, Canada. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) stat_num wsc_num air_temp_avg (Air Temperature, degree_C) rel_humidity (Relative Humidity, 1) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) precip_tb (Precipitation (Tipping Bucket), mm) rain (mm) snow (m) snow_depth (m) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) ... (16 more variables) NEGL at Queen's University sma_negl_rigolet_nlqu0002 Newfoundland and Labrador Region Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Rosette Vertical Profiles The Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) was implemented in 1998 with the aim of detecting and tracking climate change and variability in the northwest Atlantic, evaluating changes in the physical, chemical and biological ocean properties and predator-prey dynamics of marine resources, thereby enhancing Canada's ability to understand, describe, and forecast the state of the marine ecosystem. AZMP's sampling scheme in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region involves oceanographic sampling at one high-frequency (biweekly to monthly) fixed coastal station (Station 27) as well as triannual sampling along fixed cross-shelf sections (Beachy Island, Makkovik Bank, Seal Island, White Bay, Bonavista Bay, Flemish Cap, Southeast Grand Banks, Southeast St. Pierre Bank and Southwest St. Pierre Bank). AZMP sampling is conducted according to standard procedures (see and includes the collection of CTD profiles and water samples for the determination of physical (e.g., T, S), chemical (e.g., nutrients, carbonates, oxygen, pH), and biological (e.g., chl a) variables and vertical ring net tows. The data collected are synthesized into two annual reports on the physical and chemical/biological changes in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region, contribute to multiple Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) and Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) processes, and are also used to evaluate changes across the Atlantic zone. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: id (Profile ID) platform_name wmo_platform_code platform_call_sign dfo_nafc_platform_code dfo_nafc_platform_name station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sounder_depth (m) instrument ... (35 more variables) ??? DFO NAFC nafc_azmp_ctd_profiles Newfoundland and Labrador Region Bulk Unsorted CTD Profiles DFO Newfoundland Bulk Unsorted dataset. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: id (Profile ID) platform_name wmo_platform_code platform_call_sign dfo_nafc_platform_code dfo_nafc_platform_name station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sounder_depth (m) instrument set_number cast_type comment cast_direction sub_interval fishing_strata (Fising Strata) cloud_coverage wind_dir (Wind Direction, degrees_true_north) wind_speed_knots (Wind Speed, knots) air_pressure (bars) air_dry_temp_celsius (Air Dry Temperature, degrees_celsius) air_wet_temp_celsius (Air Wet Temperature, degrees_celsius) waves_period (Wave Period, s) waves_height (Wave Height, m) swell_dir (Swell Direction, degrees_true_north) ... (20 more variables) ??? DFO NAFC nafc_bulk_unsorted_ctd_profiles Newfoundland and Labrador Region Historical Station 27 Hydrographic Data Historical Station 27 data (1946 - 1997) collected from multiple sources provide to NL region by MEDS. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: id (Profile ID) platform_name wmo_platform_code platform_call_sign dfo_nafc_platform_code dfo_nafc_platform_name station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sounder_depth (m) instrument set_number cast_type comment cast_direction sub_interval fishing_strata (Fising Strata) cloud_coverage wind_dir (Wind Direction, degrees_true_north) wind_speed_knots (Wind Speed, knots) air_pressure (bars) air_dry_temp_celsius (Air Dry Temperature, degrees_celsius) air_wet_temp_celsius (Air Wet Temperature, degrees_celsius) waves_period (Wave Period, s) waves_height (Wave Height, m) ... (21 more variables) ??? DFO NAFC nafc_station_27_ctd_profiles Newfoundland and Labrador Region Multi-Species Survey Trawl-Mounted CTD Profiles The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Newfoundland and Labrador Region, has undertaken stratified-random multi-species surveys in portions of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) subareas 2 and 3 since the early 1970’s. The current survey design covers an expansive spatial area, spanning six NAFO divisions (2HJ3KLNO) and 515,000 km2 in the autumn and four NAFO divisions (3LNOP) and 324,000 km2 in the spring. The survey aims at determining the distribution and abundance of commercial and non-commercial fish and invertebrate species with respect to position, depth, and temperature, and to collect biological samples.         In 1989 DFO developed a shock-absorbing CTD sled containing a Seabird model SBE-19 CTD that could be mounted on a trawl, which is now the primary instrument used to collect physical oceanographic data (e.g., T, S) during multi-species surveys in NL region. The package attached to the trawl head-ropes records time, water pressure, temperature, and conductivity for the duration of the fishing set. In the event of instrument failure an expendable bathythermograph (XBT) is deployed.         In addition, this survey samples the high-frequency station, Station 27, in collaboration with the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP).         This record includes only hydrographic/CTD data collected during the spring and autumn multi-species surveys, conducted between 1995 to present. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: id (Profile ID) platform_name wmo_platform_code platform_call_sign dfo_nafc_platform_code dfo_nafc_platform_name station latitude (degrees_north) ... (39 more variables) ??? DFO NAFC nafc_multispecies_ctd_profiles Northern Shrimp Research Foundation (NSRF) CTD Profiles The Northern Shrimp Research Foundation (NSRF) was established in 2002 to address gaps in scientific data and research in the North in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The NSRF conducts shrimp research surveys in the Eastern Assessment zone (EAZ) and Western Assessment zone (WAZ). Using a DFO designed shock-absorbing CTD sled containing a Seabird model SBE-19plus CTD the NSRF shrimp surveys collect physical oceanographic data (e.g., T, S) at each fishing set since 2005. The package attached to the trawl head-ropes records time, water pressure, temperature, and conductivity for the duration of the fishing set.   In addition, the NSRF survey collects CTD data and water samples from vertical rosette profiles since 2022 in collaboration with the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP). This sampling is conducted according to standard procedures developed by AZMP and includes the collection of CTD profiles and water samples for the determination of physical (e.g., T, S), chemical (e.g., nutrients), and biological (chl a) variables and vertical ring net tows.   This record includes data that is collected from surveys jointly conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Northern Shrimp Research Foundation (NSRF) from 2005 to present. cdm_data_type = Profile VARIABLES: id (Profile ID) platform_name wmo_platform_code platform_call_sign dfo_nafc_platform_code dfo_nafc_platform_name station latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sounder_depth (m) ... (36 more variables) ??? DFO NAFC nafc_nsrf_ctd_profiles NWA MODIS-AQUA CHL_POLY4 2023-07-31 NWA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-AQUA CHL_POLY4 cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chlor_a (Chlorophyll-a Concentration (POLY4v2 model with coefficients optimized to MODIS-AQUA and Northwest Atlantic), mg m-3) dfo_bio bio_remote_sensing_modis_aqua_chl_poly4 Pictou County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) adpu-nyt8 Pilot Boarding Station / Red Island Shoal Buoy A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located at the Pilot Boarding Station for Placentia Bay in about 153 m. water depth. This buoy's purpose is to monitor surface conditions at the Pilot Boarding Station in support of safer and more efficient pilot and tanker operations.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.Data from the buoy is available in near-real time and is utilized by SmartBay partner AMEC Earth and Environmental to generate custom weather and sea-state forecasts for Placentia Bay as well as the site-specific forecasts for this location in support of safer and more efficient pilot and tanker operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd2_avg (Wind Spd Avg 2, m s-1) wind_spd2_max (Wind Spd Max 2, m s-1) wind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) ... (8 more variables) MI SMA_red_island_shoal Placentia Bay: North Harbour - NHARB NHARB (47.84626 N , 54.09684 W) is a water temperature and pressure gauge located in North Harbour, Placentia Bay. The station is equipped with an HydroMet OTT Pressure Level Sensor (PLS) measuring water pressure and temperature. The sensor is connected to a SUTRON Satlink2-V2 which collect 1 min average values (from a 1 Hz internal sampling) logged every 10 min and transmitted via an Omni-directional GOES antenna every hour. The station is installed on a wharf and the sensor is moored at about 3 m depth from mean sea level. This station is part of a monitoring program led by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre (Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) to provide with an oceanographic baseline of the area. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) water_pressure (Sea Water Pressure, mbar) water_temperature (Surface Temp Avg, degree_C) battery_voltage (V) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) DFO-MPO DFO_Sutron_NHARB Placentia Bay: Ragged Islands - KLUMI KLUMI (47.59359 N , 54.27349 W) is a 10 m mast weather station equipped with a Gill ultrasonic wind sensor (WindSonic, option 4). The data are collected via a SUTRON Satlink2-V2 logger connected to an Omni-directional GOES antenna; transmitting near real-time data every hour. 1 min average wind speed and direction as well as gust (maximum) are calculated from the sensor 1 Hz internal sampling rate and recorded by the logger every 10 min. The mast is installed on a barren island, about 10 m height from the mean sea level, located on the northeast side of Placentia Bay.  Wind observations are thus made at about 20 m from mean sea level. This weather station is part of a monitoring program led by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre (Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) to provide with an oceanographic baseline of the area. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd_gust_dir (Wind Gust From Direction, degree) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed Avgerage, m s-1) wind_spd_gust (Wind Speed Of Gust, m s-1) battery_voltage (V) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) DFO-MPO DFO_Sutron_KLUMI Potash Terminal Tide and Meteorological Station Near-real time access to physical environmental observations such as local wind and sea levels are some of the basic requirements of a modern 'Smart Port' operation. Along with accurate site forecasts, these observations are essential in promoting the operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness of vessel movements within a harbour and its approaches. In this context, Amec Foster Wheeler, in partnership with the Marine Institute of Memorial University Center for Applied Ocean Technology, has developed this wind and water level monitoring station (tide gauge) to satisfying the Port of Saint John objectives for a water level and wind monitoring station for Courtenay Bay. The station is capable of measuring and reporting accurate data and is reported live via the SmartAtlantic ocean observation system website. This station consists of a Yaleport TideMaster water level recorder with Yaleport VRS20 radar (water) level sensor and a Gill WindSonic anemometer to measure wind speed and direction. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) tide_ht_pre (Sea Surface Height, m) COVE SMA_saint_john_wharf Queens County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (17 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) qspp-qhb6 Richmond County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDAPP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (18 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) v6sa-tiit Saint John Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in the Bay of Fundy at the approaches to Saint John, NB Harbour in about 18 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Automatic Information System (AtoN AIS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) wave_ht_max (m) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (degree) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) curr_spd_avg (mm s-1) ... (39 more variables) COVE SMA_saint_john Shelburne County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (18 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) mq2k-54s4 St. John's Buoy A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in St. John's Bay just north of Cape Spear at the approaches to St. John's Harbour in about 160 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (Wind Speed Average, m s-1) wind_spd_max (Wind Speed Max, m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) wind_spd2_avg (Wind Speed Average 2, m s-1) wind_spd2_max (Wind Speed Max 2, m s-1) wind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree) air_temp_avg (degree_C) air_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar) air_humidity_avg (1) air_dewpoint_avg (degree_C) surface_temp_avg (degree_C) ... (45 more variables) MI SMA_st_johns St. John's Tide Station Installation of the St. John's Tide Station was undertaken in early 2014 with the site becoming operational on May 22, 2014. The Station is located at Pier 18 on the St. John's Port Authority property in St. John's, NL Harbour.The Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: year (1) station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) wind_spd_avg (m s-1) wind_spd_max (m s-1) wind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree) tide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m) MI SMA_st_johns_wharf St. Pierre et Miquelon Wave Buoy St. Pierre et Miquelon Wave Buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_id time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wave_ht_sig (m) wave_ht_max (m) wave_period_avg (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) timestamp_internal (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) wave_ht_sig_Hm0 (m) wave_period (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) wave_period_peak (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s) wave_direction_peak_spectral (spectral) wave_spread_peak (degree) sea_surface_temp_avg (degree_C) peak_power_spectral_density (m2 Hz-1) Cerema candhis_spm_97501_timeseries St. Pierre et Miquelon, Wave Spectra St. Pierre et Miquelon - Wave Spectra cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_id time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) period (s) relative_PSD (Relative Power Spectral Density, m2 Hz-1) direction (degree) spread (degree) Cerema candhis_spm_97501_wave_spectra Victoria County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (12 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) t2ms-7jgj Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1431 Sofar Spotter 2 deployments on the south side of Sable Island, NS. Two buoys, each in approximitely 30m of water. cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) surface_temp (temperature on the ocean surface of buoy location, degree_C) wave_mean_direction (mean direction of the incoming waves during sample time, degrees) wave_mean_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming wave direction during sample time, degrees) wave_mean_period (mean period of the waves during sample time, seconds) wave_peak_direction (direction of the largest waves, degrees) wave_peak_period (period of the largest waves, seconds) wave_significant_height (wave height of the largest 1/3 of waves measured, meters) wave_peak_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming waves direction for peak wave during sample time, degrees) wind_direction (calculated wind direction from onboard sensor data, degrees) wind_speed (calculated wind speed from onboard sensor data, m/s) Ocean Frontier Institute SPOT-1431_202204 Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1461 Sofar Spotter 2 deployments on the south side of Sable Island, NS. Two buoys, each in approximitely 30m of water. cdm_data_type = Point VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) longitude (degrees_east) latitude (degrees_north) surface_temp (temperature on the ocean surface of buoy location, degree_C) wave_mean_direction (mean direction of the incoming waves during sample time, degrees) wave_mean_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming wave direction during sample time, degrees) wave_mean_period (mean period of the waves during sample time, seconds) wave_peak_direction (direction of the largest waves, degrees) wave_peak_period (period of the largest waves, seconds) wave_significant_height (wave height of the largest 1/3 of waves measured, meters) wave_peak_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming waves direction for peak wave during sample time, degrees) wind_direction (calculated wind direction from onboard sensor data, degrees) wind_speed (calculated wind speed from onboard sensor data, m/s) Ocean Frontier Institute SPOT-1461_202204 XEOS HK4 Buoy Wave Sensor The Brizo is a GNSS-based, directional wave height sensor. Developed by Xeos Technologies, it is a breakthrough product on the market that provides significant wave height, maximum wave height, peak wave period, average wave direction, and average wave spread. It was installed on the HK4 navigational buoy in the Halifax Harbour near Meagher's Beach. When the Port Authority raised a need for capturing wave data at this location, Xeos Technologies was happy to provide and install its own wave height sensor for the SmartAtlantic project. It is an opportunity to aid in the environmental monitoring of harbor conditions. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: station_name time (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) precise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east) precise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north) wave_ht_sig (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m) wave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s) wave_ht_max (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m) wave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree) wave_spread_avg (Wavespread, degree) XEOS SmartAtlantic_XEOS_hk4_buoy Yarmouth County Water Quality Data The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The "Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information. cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: waterbody ... (20 more variables) Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) 9qw2-yb2f