CIOOS Atlantic is growing a powerful online data platform which combines regional data from across sectors to facilitate the generation of information, knowledge, and place-based solutions that advance our understanding of the ocean. And by supporting open data, CIOOS Atlantic assists in addressing the challenges associated with the coastal and ocean environment in a changing climate.
We believe that our strength lies in the power of partnerships, in fostering relationships and building connections with organizations and communities that collect ocean data along the Atlantic seaboard. Currently, CIOOS Atlantic operates in partnership with Federal departments, academic institutions, and local, national, and international organizations.
Operational Partners
The consortium of academic and environmental organizations that compose the CIOOS Atlantic regional association.
Ocean Frontier Institute – The Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI) is an international hub for ocean research, bringing together experts from both sides of the North Atlantic to explore the vast potential of the ocean. OFI was established in September 2016 through a partnership led by Dalhousie University, Memorial University, and the University of Prince Edward Island, with support provided by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund.
Dalhousie University – Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dalhousie is Atlantic Canada’s primary research-intensive university with world-leading researchers working in labs, studios and in the field. Dalhousie attracts and retains a diverse mix of students, scholars, researchers and staff who work together with interdisciplinary perspective and a focus on service.
Ocean Tracking Network – Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) is the world’s aquatic animal monitoring network, providing the scientific foundation for sustainable oceans management. OTN unites marine scientists in the most comprehensive and revolutionary examination of marine life and ocean conditions that will change how we understand and manage global concerns in the face of climate change.
Memorial University – As Newfoundland and Labrador’s only university, Memorial University has a global capacity and reputation for leadership in research, teaching and public engagement, aimed at harnessing the vast potential of the world’s ocean.
Marine Institute – As a campus of Memorial University, the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) is Canada’s most comprehensive centre for education, training, applied research and industrial support for the ocean industries. Located on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, MI is one of the most respected research centres in the world.
COINAtlantic – Located in Halifax, the Coastal & Ocean Information Network Atlantic (COINAtlantic) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to supporting coastal and marine spatial planning and decision-making through open data management and information sharing.
National Partners
Operational partner organizations that compose the other CIOOS Regional Associations.
Ocean Networks Canada – The University of Victoria’s, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) monitors the west and east coasts of Canada and the Arctic to continuously deliver data in real-time for scientific research that helps communities, governments and industry make informed decisions about our future.
University of Victoria – The University of Victoria (UVic) is one of Canada’s leading research-intensive universities, making a vital impact on people, places and the planet. UVic combines dynamic learning, vital impact and extraordinary academics to nurture an environment of discovery, innovation and creativity.
St. Lawrence Global Observatory – A regional association of CIOOS, The St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO) hosts all data, information, and knowledge in the St. Lawrence ecosystem, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. Created in 2005, SLGO is the first integrated ocean observing system in Canada.
Funding Partners
We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by our funders. Without their involvement, CIOOS Atlantic could not continue providing vital scientific data and services for our communities, governments and industries.
Fisheries and Ocean Canada -Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is a federal department, responsible for safeguarding our waters and managing Canada’s fisheries and oceans resources. DFO helps to ensure healthy and sustainable aquatic ecosystems through habitat protection and sound science.
MEOPAR – The Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR) is a national Network of Centres of Excellence linking top marine researchers across Canada with partner organizations and communities. MEOPAR funds research, trains students and mobilizes knowledge in the area of marine risk and resilience.