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griddap | Subset | tabledap | Make A Graph | wms | files | Title | Summary | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Info | Background Info | RSS | Institution | Dataset ID | |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | Annapolis County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | knwz-4bap | || | | | | Antigonish County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | kgdu-nqdp | || | | | Bay of Exploits Buoy | A 1.7 m. meteorological / oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located at the approach to Lewisporte in approximately 86 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area. The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (degree)\ncurr_spd_avg (mm s-1)\n... (39 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_bay_of_exploits | ||| | | | Bay of Islands Buoy | A 1.7 m. meteorological/oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located at the approach to Humber Arm, approximately 1.7 nm northwest of Woods Island, in approximately 68 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (degree)\ncurr_spd_avg (mm s-1)\n... (39 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_bay_of_islands | ||| | | | Bedford Basin BOP Level 1 | Level 1 data of the BOP profiler in the Bedford Basin\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nsampling_day\nGPRMC_EWHEM (GPRMC\\.EWHEM)\nGPRMC_NAV (GPRMC\\.NAV)\nGPRMC_NSHEM (GPRMC\\.NSHEM)\nGPRMC_True (GPRMC\\.True, degrees)\nGPRMC_UNKNOWN (GPRMC\\.UNKNOWN)\nGPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT (GPRMC\\.VLF INSTRUMENT)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nGPRMC_Speed (GPRMC\\.Speed, knots)\nGPRMC_Mag (GPRMC\\.Mag, degree)\nSATHED0211_CHECK (SATHED0211\\.CHECK)\nSATHED0211_CRLF (SATHED0211\\.CRLF)\nSATHED0211_DARK_AVE (SATHED0211\\.DARK AVE)\nSATHED0211_DARK_SAMP (SATHED0211\\.DARK SAMP)\nSATHED0211_FRAME (SATHED0211\\.FRAME)\nSATHED0211_INSTRUMENT (SATHED0211\\.INSTRUMENT)\nSATHED0211_INTTIME (SATHED0211\\.INTTIME, sec)\nSATHED0211_SAMPLE (SATHED0211\\.SAMPLE, sec)\nSATHED0211_SN (SATHED0211\\.SN)\nSATHED0211_SPECTEMP (SATHED0211\\.SPECTEMP, C)\nSATHED0211_TIMER (SATHED0211\\.TIMER, sec)\nSATHED0211_ES_wavelengths (SATHED0211\\.ES Wavelengths, uW/cm^2/nm)\nSATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data (SATHED0211\\.ES Wavelengths Data, uW/cm^2/nm)\nSATCTD7229_COND (SATCTD7229\\.COND)\nSATCTD7229_SALINITY (SATCTD7229\\.SALINITY, PSU)\nSATCTD7229_T (SATCTD7229\\.T)\n... (80 more variables)\n | | | | , , | | | MEOPAR | bb1_bop_level1 | ||| | | | Bonavista Bay Buoy | A 1.7 m. meteorological / oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located of the Cape of Bonavista, in approximately 75 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.\n\nThe buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information.\n\nApproximate Position\nLatitude: 48° 41' 48.50\" N\nLongitude: 53° 43' 06.00\" W\nApproximate Water Depth\n60m (197 feet)\nData Start Date\nJune 21, 2017\n\nSensor Height Relative to Sea Surface\nAnemometer: 4.2m\nAir Temp. / Humidity: 3.5m\nBarometer: 0.5m\nSea Surface Temp.: -0.5m\nAcoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP):\n-2.0m to -42.0m at 2.0m spacing\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\n... (55 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_bonavista | ||| | | | | Cape Breton County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (12 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | 5daj-5icy | || | | | Channel-Port Aux Basques Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located at the approaches to Port Aux Basques Harbour in about 50 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd2_avg (Wind Spd Avg 2, m s-1)\nwind_spd2_max (Wind Spd Max 2, m s-1)\nwind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\n... (6 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_port_aux_basques | ||| | | | Channel-Port Aux Basques Tide Station | The Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_port_aux_basqes_wharf | ||| | | | | CMAR - Chedabucto Bay | XEOS Buoy - 003. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nbuoy_id\nbuoy_name\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nbattery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V)\ntemp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius)\nwave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\nwave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree)\nsample_quality (1)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nwind_speed (knots)\nwind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa)\nhumidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1)\nair_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nprecip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm h-1)\nprecip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr))\ncompass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree)\nwind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree)\n | | | | ??? | | | CMAR | cmar_c5a5_c41c_2090 | || | | | | CMAR - Jordan Bay | CMAR - Jordan Bay. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nbuoy_id\nbuoy_name\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nbattery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V)\ntemp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius)\nwave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\nwave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree)\nsample_quality (1)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nwind_speed (knots)\nwind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa)\nhumidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1)\nair_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nprecip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm h-1)\nprecip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr))\ncompass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree)\nwind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree)\n | | | | ??? | | | CMAR | cmar_fca0_698a_0716 | || | | | | CMAR - St. Mary's Bay | XEOS Buoy - 002. real-time buoy data. CMAR data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nbuoy_id\nbuoy_name\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nbattery_voltage (Battery Voltage (V), V)\ntemp_c (Device Temp, degree_Celsius)\nwave_ht_sig (Wave Ht Sig (m), m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\nwave_ht_max (Wave Ht Max (m), m)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (Wave Spread Avg (degrees), degree)\nsample_quality (1)\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nwind_speed (knots)\nwind_dir_deci_deg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_pres (Air Pres (h Pa), hPa)\nhumidity_percent (Humidity Percent (%), 1)\nair_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nprecip_rain_int (Precip Rain Int (mm/hr), mm hr-1)\nprecip_hail_int (Precip Hail Int (hits/(cm^2 * Hr)), hits/(cm^2 * hr))\ncompass_deci_deg (Compass Deci Deg (degrees), degree)\nwind_bearing (Wind Bearing (degrees), degree)\n | | | | ??? | | | CMAR | cmar_8f10_9c65_13cb | || | | | | Coast of Bays seawater vertical and horizontal structure: Hydrographic structure, spatial variability and seasonality, 2009-2013 | Upon a recent rapid increase of the finfish aquaculture industry in the Coast of Bays, an area of the South Coast of Newfoundland (9 fold production growth from 2003 to 2013), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) carried out a research project to better understand the physical oceanography of the area. This report is the second of a series aiming to provide an oceanographic knowledge baseline of the Coast of Bays (i.e., data and analyses) to help manage and ensure the sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry. This report presents the analysis of 790 water profiles of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration sampled at 276 stations over the course of a 5-year oceanographic program (2009 13). The profiles were analyzed using along-channel vertical sections plots (i.e., transects), surface property maps and water masses statistics.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nCruise\nEvent\nStation\nType\ntime (Deploy Time(ISO8601), seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nBotDepth_m (Bot Depth(m), m)\nInstrument\ntime_ISO8601\nPressure_dbar (Pressure(dbar), dbar)\nTemperature_oC (Temperature(o C), degree_Celsius)\nConductivity_S_m (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity, S m-1)\nOxygen_V (Oxygen(V), V)\nDepth_m (Depth, m)\nSalinity (Sea Water Practical Salinity, PSU)\nOxygen_mL_L (Oxygen(m L/L), mL L-1)\nOxygen_mg_L (Oxygen(mg/L), mg L-1)\nOxygen (Oxygen(%), percent)\nDescentRate_m_s (Descent Rate(m/s), m s-1)\n | | | | | | | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | coast-of-bays-hydrographic-2009-2013 | || | | | | Colchester County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (19 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | gfri-gzxa | || | | | Corner Brook Tide Station | This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_corner_brook_wharf | ||| | | | | Digby County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | wpsu-7fer | || | | | | FORCE Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): Currents | This seabed-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), deployed for two months in spring 2018, collected 3-D velocity profiles and surface wave statistics at a location within the FORCE Crown Lease Area. Data are provided in raw (*ad2cp) form, and as processed currents and waves. These data were collected as part of a project on evaluating fish sensor capabilities at high flow sites (cf. Viehman et al 2019 in the metadata attachment).\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ncell_range (m)\neastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s)\nnorthward_sea_water_velocity (m/s)\nupward_sea_water_velocity (m/s)\nspeed_of_sound_in_sea_water (m/s)\ncell_size (m)\ncell_count\nsea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\n | | | | | | | FORCE | FORCE_Mar2018_ADCP_Currents | || | | | FORCE Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP): Waves | This seabed-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), deployed for two months in spring 2018, collected 3-D velocity profiles and surface wave statistics at a location within the FORCE Crown Lease Area. Data are provided in raw (*ad2cp) form, and as processed currents and waves. These data were collected as part of a project on evaluating fish sensor capabilities at high flow sites (cf. Viehman et al 2019 in the metadata attachment).\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nsea_water_pressure (dbar)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nsea_surface_wave_maximum_period (s)\nsea_surface_wave_significant_height (m)\n | | | | | | | FORCE | FORCE_Mar2018_ADCP_Waves | ||| | | | Fortune Bay Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in just North West of Garnish, Fortune Bay, NL in approximately 210 m water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community. The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\n... (42 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_Fortune_Bay_Buoy | ||| | | | | Grand Banks Wave Buoy | Wave height metrics (mean/max/significant wave height/period) at Waypoint 3 for the months March and April 2022.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nNumber_of_Zero_Crossings (1)\nAverage_Wave_Height (Average Zero-Down Crossing Wave Height, m)\nMax_Wave_Height (m)\nSignificant_Wave_Height (m)\nSignificant_Wave_Period (s)\nH10 (Mean height of highest tenth of waves, m)\nT10 (Mean period of highest tenth of waves, s)\nMean_Wave_Period (Average zero down-crossing wave period, s)\nPeak_Wave_Period (s)\nTp5_Tp_READ_method (Peak Wave Period based on spectral moments, s)\nHm0 (Significant Wave Height, m)\nMean_Magnetic_Direction (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nMean_Spread (degree)\n | | | | | | | WSP Global Inc. | wsp_grand_banks_waypoint3_wave_buoy | || | | | | Guysborough County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | eb3n-uxcb | || | | | Halifax (Herring Cove) Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in Herring Cove at the approaches to Halifax Harbour in about 35 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.\n\nThe buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\nApproximate Position\nLatitude: 44° 33.52' N\nLongitude: 063° 32.72' W\nApproximate Water Depth\n35m (115 ft)\nData Start Date\nJune 21, 2017\n\nSensor Height Relative to Sea Surface\nAnemometer: 4.2m\nAir Temp. / Humidity: 3.5m\nBarometer: 0m\nSea Surf. Temp. / Current Profiler: -0.5m\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\n... (55 more variables)\n | | | | | | | COVE | SMA_halifax | ||| | | | | Halifax County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | x9dy-aai9 | || | | | Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 9C | Deployed in November 2014, the Meteorological Station is located at Pier 9C of the Halifax Ocean Terminals. The station consists of an RM Young Model 85004 anemometer, mounted on a three-meter boom arm approximately 10 meters above ground level, affixed to a light standard at the end of the pier. Data from the station is available in near-real time and is utilized by mariners in this region in support of safer and more efficient marine operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | COVE | SMA_halifax_pier9c | ||| | | | Head of Placentia Bay Buoy | A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is positioned at the head of Placentia Bay in water depth of about 35m. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this high traffic area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, sea surface temperature, current speed, current direction, wave height, wave direction and wave period. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.* Note: This site was originally located at Latitude 47° 47.4' N, Longitude 54° 02.9' W. It was re-located to 47° 45.5' N, Longitude 54° 04.5' W, with an upgraded buoy platform on October 11, 2013\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree)\n... (41 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_head_of_placentia_bay-come_by_chance_point | ||| | | | Holyrood Buoy 2 | A modified 1.7 m. meteorological/oceanographic buoy supplied by Axys Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia is located of the mouth of Holyrood Bay in approximately 50 metres of water. The buoy provides near-real time data in support of vessel operations in this area.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and water column conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current profile, wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information.This buoy is part of SmartBay Holyrood, a technology development, testing, validation and demonstration facility to support applied research and commercialization of new technologies and solutions in the marine and related sectors. This includes testing and validation of a wide range of novel ocean sensors and subsea equipment. The Holyrood buoy will provide a controlled environment for sensor calibration, as well as mission planning, practice and risk assessment for complicated subsea procedures prior to field execution.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\n... (43 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_Holyrood_Buoy2 | ||| | | | | Inverness County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (17 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | a9za-3t63 | || | | | Lewisporte Tide Station | This Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long-term hydrographic survey operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_bay_of_exploits_wharf | ||| | | | | Lunenburg County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDAPP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (22 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | eda5-aubu | || | | | Manolis Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (degree)\ncurr_dir_avg (degree)\ncurr_spd_avg (mm s-1)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_manolis_buoy | ||| | | | | Marine Ecology Lab, Coastal intertidal environment temperatures | Marine Ecology Lab - Coastal intertidal environment temperatures. Multiannual Study of Nova Scotia Coastline Describes Thermal Conditions of Intertidal Environments\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nair_or_sea_water_temperature (degree_Celsius)\nsea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_earth_tide (m)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nstudy_name\ntide_station_latitude (Latitude, degrees_north)\ntide_station_longitude (Longitude, degrees_east)\ntide_station_name\n | | | | | | | St. Francis Xavier University | marine_ecology_lab_c17d_14ed_c2f8 | || | | | | Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_atlantic_zone_monitoring_program_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Atlantic Zone Off-Shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP) Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_atlantic_zone_off_shelf_monitoring_program_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Barrow Strait Monitoring Program Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_barrow_strait_program_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Cetacean Monitoring Program MicroCAT conductivity, temperature and pressure time series data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_cetacean_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Historical Coastal Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (sea_water_potential_temperature, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_historical_coastal_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Historical Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) Project Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_ocean_tracking_network_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Historical Offshore Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_historical_offshore_moored_ctd | || | | | | Maritimes Region Historical RAPID Climate Change Program Moored Time Series Data | Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) data from a local source.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nfilename\ncruise_name\ncruise_number\nchief_scientist\nserial_number\ndeployment_platform_name\ninst_type\ninstrument\ninstrument_model\ninstrument_offbottom_depth\nmooring_number\nprogram\nproject\nsdn_instrument_id\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nPRESPR01 (decibars)\nPSLTZZ01 (1e-3)\nTEMPPR01 (temperature, degree_C)\nTEMPP901 (Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body, degree_C)\nSIGTEQ01 (sigmaTheta, kg/m**3)\nPOTM_01 (theta, degree_C)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO BIO | bio_rapid_moored_ctd | || | | | Mouth of Placentia Bay Buoy | A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is positioned at the mouth of Placentia Bay in water depth of about 230 m.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, sea surface temperature, current speed, current direction, wave height, wave direction and wave period. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd2_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd2_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nsurface_salinity_avg (Sea Water Salinity, 1e-3)\nsurface_cond_avg (S m-1)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\n... (5 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_MouthofPlacentiaBayBuoy | ||| | | | | Newfoundland and Labrador climate index | The Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) climate index aims to describe the environmental conditions on the NL shelf and in the Northwest Atlantic as a whole. It consists of annual normalized anomalies of 10 subindices with equal contribution: Winter North Atlantic Oscillation, air temperature, sea ice, icebergs, sea surface temperature, vertically-averaged temperature and salinity at Station~27, cold intermediate layer (CIL) core temperature at Station~27, CIL area on 3 hydrographic sections and bottom temperature on the NL shelf. This index runs from 1951 to 2019 and will be updated annually. Data associated with Cyr, F. and Galbraith, P. S.: A climate index for the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1807-1828,, 2021.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndataset\nyear\nclimate_index\n | | | | | DFO-MPO, MUN | NL_Climate_Index | |||| | | | | Newfoundland and Labrador climate index, All Fields | Individual subindices used to construct the Newfoundland and Labrador climate index. Each subindex is normalized using the 1991-2020 climatological period. Some signs were reversed so that positive anomalies are indicative of warmer conditions (e.g. sea ice). Newfoundland and Labrador climate index - All Fields. The Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) climate index aims to describe the environmental conditions on the NL shelf and in the Northwest Atlantic as a whole. It consists of annual normalized anomalies of 10 subindices with equal contribution: Winter North Atlantic Oscillation, air temperature, sea ice, icebergs, sea surface temperature, vertically-averaged temperature and salinity at Station~27, cold intermediate layer (CIL) core temperature at Station~27, CIL area on 3 hydrographic sections and bottom temperature on the NL shelf. This index runs from 1951 to 2019 and will be updated annually. Data associated with Cyr, F. and Galbraith, P. S.: A climate index for the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1807-1828,, 2021.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndataset\nYear\nWinter_NAO\nAir_Temp\nSea_Ice\nIcebergs\nSST (Sea Surface Temperature)\nS27_Temp\nS27_Sal\nS27_CIL\nCIL_area\nbottom_temp\n | | | | | DFO-MPO, MUN | NL_Climate_Index_all_fields | |||| | | | | Newfoundland and Labrador climate index, Natural Signs | Individual subindices of the Newfoundland and Labrador climate index in their natural sign. Each subindex is normalized using the 1991-2020 climatological period. Newfoundland and Labrador climate index - Natural Signs. The Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) climate index aims to describe the environmental conditions on the NL shelf and in the Northwest Atlantic as a whole. It consists of annual normalized anomalies of 10 subindices with equal contribution: Winter North Atlantic Oscillation, air temperature, sea ice, icebergs, sea surface temperature, vertically-averaged temperature and salinity at Station~27, cold intermediate layer (CIL) core temperature at Station~27, CIL area on 3 hydrographic sections and bottom temperature on the NL shelf. This index runs from 1951 to 2019 and will be updated annually. Data associated with Cyr, F. and Galbraith, P. S.: A climate index for the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1807-1828,, 2021.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndataset\nYear\nWinter_NAO\nAir_Temp\nSea_Ice\nIcebergs\nSST (Sea Surface Temperature)\nS27_Temp\nS27_Sal\nS27_CIL\nCIL_area\nBottom_Temp\n | | | | | DFO-MPO, MUN | NL_Climate_Index_natrual_signs | |||| | | | | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Bulk Unsorted CTD Profiles | DFO Newfoundland Bulk Unsorted dataset.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nid (Profile ID)\nplatform_name\nwmo_platform_code\nplatform_call_sign\ndfo_nafc_platform_code\ndfo_nafc_platform_name\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nsounder_depth (m)\ninstrument\nset_number\ncast_type\ncomment\ncast_direction\nsub_interval\nfishing_strata (Fising Strata)\ncloud_coverage\nwind_dir (Wind Direction, degrees_true_north)\nwind_speed_knots (Wind Speed, knots)\nair_pressure (bars)\nair_dry_temp_celsius (Air Dry Temperature, degrees_celsius)\nair_wet_temp_celsius (Air Wet Temperature, degrees_celsius)\nwaves_period (Wave Period, s)\nwaves_height (Wave Height, m)\nswell_dir (Swell Direction, degrees_true_north)\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO NAFC | nafc_bulk_unsorted_ctd_profiles | || | | | | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Historical Station 27 Hydrographic Data | Historical Station 27 data (1946 - 1997) collected from multiple sources provide to NL region by MEDS.\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nid (Profile ID)\nplatform_name\nwmo_platform_code\nplatform_call_sign\ndfo_nafc_platform_code\ndfo_nafc_platform_name\nstation\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nsounder_depth (m)\ninstrument\nset_number\ncast_type\ncomment\ncast_direction\nsub_interval\nfishing_strata (Fising Strata)\ncloud_coverage\nwind_dir (Wind Direction, degrees_true_north)\nwind_speed_knots (Wind Speed, knots)\nair_pressure (bars)\nair_dry_temp_celsius (Air Dry Temperature, degrees_celsius)\nair_wet_temp_celsius (Air Wet Temperature, degrees_celsius)\nwaves_period (Wave Period, s)\nwaves_height (Wave Height, m)\n... (21 more variables)\n | | | | ??? | | | DFO NAFC | nafc_station_27_ctd_profiles | || | | | | NWA MODIS-AQUA CHL_POLY4 2023-07-31 | NWA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-AQUA CHL_POLY4\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\nchlor_a (Chlorophyll-a Concentration (POLY4v2 model with coefficients optimized to MODIS-AQUA and Northwest Atlantic), mg m-3)\n | | | | | | | dfo_bio | bio_remote_sensing_modis_aqua_chl_poly4 | || | | | | Pictou County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | adpu-nyt8 | || | | | Pilot Boarding Station / Red Island Shoal Buoy | A 3 m. diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located at the Pilot Boarding Station for Placentia Bay in about 153 m. water depth. This buoy's purpose is to monitor surface conditions at the Pilot Boarding Station in support of safer and more efficient pilot and tanker operations.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.Data from the buoy is available in near-real time and is utilized by SmartBay partner AMEC Earth and Environmental to generate custom weather and sea-state forecasts for Placentia Bay as well as the site-specific forecasts for this location in support of safer and more efficient pilot and tanker operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd2_avg (Wind Spd Avg 2, m s-1)\nwind_spd2_max (Wind Spd Max 2, m s-1)\nwind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\n... (8 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_red_island_shoal | ||| | | | Placentia Bay: North Harbour - NHARB | NHARB (47.84626 N , 54.09684 W) is a water temperature and pressure gauge located in North Harbour, Placentia Bay. The station is equipped with an HydroMet OTT Pressure Level Sensor (PLS) measuring water pressure and temperature. The sensor is connected to a SUTRON Satlink2-V2 which collect 1 min average values (from a 1 Hz internal sampling) logged every 10 min and transmitted via an Omni-directional GOES antenna every hour. The station is installed on a wharf and the sensor is moored at about 3 m depth from mean sea level. This station is part of a monitoring program led by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre (Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) to provide with an oceanographic baseline of the area.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nwater_pressure (Sea Water Pressure, mbar)\nwater_temperature (Surface Temp Avg, degree_C)\nbattery_voltage (V)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\n | | | | | | | DFO-MPO | DFO_Sutron_NHARB | ||| | | | Placentia Bay: Ragged Islands - KLUMI | KLUMI (47.59359 N , 54.27349 W) is a 10 m mast weather station equipped with a Gill ultrasonic wind sensor (WindSonic, option 4). The data are collected via a SUTRON Satlink2-V2 logger connected to an Omni-directional GOES antenna; transmitting near real-time data every hour. 1 min average wind speed and direction as well as gust (maximum) are calculated from the sensor 1 Hz internal sampling rate and recorded by the logger every 10 min. The mast is installed on a barren island, about 10 m height from the mean sea level, located on the northeast side of Placentia Bay. Wind observations are thus made at about 20 m from mean sea level. This weather station is part of a monitoring program led by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre (Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) to provide with an oceanographic baseline of the area.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd_gust_dir (Wind Gust From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd_avg (Wind Speed Avgerage, m s-1)\nwind_spd_gust (Wind Speed Of Gust, m s-1)\nbattery_voltage (V)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\n | | | | | | | DFO-MPO | DFO_Sutron_KLUMI | ||| | | | Potash Terminal Tide and Meteorological Station | Near-real time access to physical environmental observations such as local wind and sea levels are some of the basic requirements of a modern 'Smart Port' operation. Along with accurate site forecasts, these observations are essential in promoting the operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness of vessel movements within a harbour and its approaches. In this context, Amec Foster Wheeler, in partnership with the Marine Institute of Memorial University Center for Applied Ocean Technology, has developed this wind and water level monitoring station (tide gauge) to satisfying the Port of Saint John objectives for a water level and wind monitoring station for Courtenay Bay. The station is capable of measuring and reporting accurate data and is reported live via the SmartAtlantic ocean observation system website. This station consists of a Yaleport TideMaster water level recorder with Yaleport VRS20 radar (water) level sensor and a Gill WindSonic anemometer to measure wind speed and direction.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\ntide_ht_pre (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | COVE | SMA_saint_john_wharf | ||| | | | | Queens County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (17 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | qspp-qhb6 | || | | | | Richmond County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDAPP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (18 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | v6sa-tiit | || | | | Saint John Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological / oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in the Bay of Fundy at the approaches to Saint John, NB Harbour in about 18 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Automatic Information System (AtoN AIS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (degree)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\ncurr_spd_avg (mm s-1)\n... (39 more variables)\n | | | | | | | COVE | SMA_saint_john | ||| | | | | Shelburne County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (18 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | mq2k-54s4 | || | | | St. John's Buoy | A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia. The buoy is located in St. John's Bay just north of Cape Spear at the approaches to St. John's Harbour in about 160 m. water depth. The buoy's purpose is to monitor and transmit in near real time meteorological and oceanographic data in support of operational efficiency, safety and situational awareness for marine transportation. The buoy also provides a continuous data feed in support of the Science and R&D community.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information. The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (Wind Speed Average, m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (Wind Speed Max, m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\nwind_spd2_avg (Wind Speed Average 2, m s-1)\nwind_spd2_max (Wind Speed Max 2, m s-1)\nwind_dir2_avg (Wind From Direction 2, degree)\nair_temp_avg (degree_C)\nair_pressure_avg (Air Pressure, mbar)\nair_humidity_avg (1)\nair_dewpoint_avg (degree_C)\nsurface_temp_avg (degree_C)\n... (45 more variables)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_st_johns | ||| | | | | St. John's Tide Station | Installation of the St. John's Tide Station was undertaken in early 2014 with the site becoming operational on May 22, 2014. The Station is located at Pier 18 on the St. John's Port Authority property in St. John's, NL Harbour.The Station consists of a TideMaster portable water level recorder with VRS-20 radar level sensor and a meteorological sensor to measure wind speed and direction. The instrument has been designed to provide accurate and versatile information in an easily deployed gauge for use in short or long term hydrographic survey operations.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nyear (1)\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nwind_spd_avg (m s-1)\nwind_spd_max (m s-1)\nwind_dir_avg (Wind From Direction, degree)\ntide_ht_avg (Sea Surface Height, m)\n | | | | | | | MI | SMA_st_johns_wharf | || | | | St. Pierre et Miquelon Wave Buoy | St. Pierre et Miquelon Wave Buoy\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_id\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nwave_ht_sig (m)\nwave_ht_max (m)\nwave_period_avg (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\ntimestamp_internal (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nwave_ht_sig_Hm0 (m)\nwave_period (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\nwave_period_peak (Sea Surface Swell Wave Period, s)\nwave_direction_peak_spectral (spectral)\nwave_spread_peak (degree)\nsea_surface_temp_avg (degree_C)\npeak_power_spectral_density (m2 Hz-1)\n | | | | | | | Cerema | candhis_spm_97501_timeseries | ||| | | | | Victoria County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (12 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | t2ms-7jgj | || | | | Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1431 | Sofar Spotter 2 deployments on the south side of Sable Island, NS. Two buoys, each in approximitely 30m of water.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nsurface_temp (temperature on the ocean surface of buoy location, degree_C)\nwave_mean_direction (mean direction of the incoming waves during sample time, degrees)\nwave_mean_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming wave direction during sample time, degrees)\nwave_mean_period (mean period of the waves during sample time, seconds)\nwave_peak_direction (direction of the largest waves, degrees)\nwave_peak_period (period of the largest waves, seconds)\nwave_significant_height (wave height of the largest 1/3 of waves measured, meters)\nwave_peak_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming waves direction for peak wave during sample time, degrees)\nwind_direction (calculated wind direction from onboard sensor data, degrees)\nwind_speed (calculated wind speed from onboard sensor data, m/s)\n | | | | | | | Ocean Frontier Institute | SPOT-1431_202204 | ||| | | | Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1461 | Sofar Spotter 2 deployments on the south side of Sable Island, NS. Two buoys, each in approximitely 30m of water.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nsurface_temp (temperature on the ocean surface of buoy location, degree_C)\nwave_mean_direction (mean direction of the incoming waves during sample time, degrees)\nwave_mean_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming wave direction during sample time, degrees)\nwave_mean_period (mean period of the waves during sample time, seconds)\nwave_peak_direction (direction of the largest waves, degrees)\nwave_peak_period (period of the largest waves, seconds)\nwave_significant_height (wave height of the largest 1/3 of waves measured, meters)\nwave_peak_directional_spread (variance-weighted mean in oncoming waves direction for peak wave during sample time, degrees)\nwind_direction (calculated wind direction from onboard sensor data, degrees)\nwind_speed (calculated wind speed from onboard sensor data, m/s)\n | | | | | | | Ocean Frontier Institute | SPOT-1461_202204 | ||| | | | XEOS HK4 Buoy Wave Sensor | The Brizo is a GNSS-based, directional wave height sensor. Developed by Xeos Technologies, it is a breakthrough product on the market that provides significant wave height, maximum wave height, peak wave period, average wave direction, and average wave spread. It was installed on the HK4 navigational buoy in the Halifax Harbour near Meagher's Beach.\n\nWhen the Port Authority raised a need for capturing wave data at this location, Xeos Technologies was happy to provide and install its own wave height sensor for the SmartAtlantic project. It is an opportunity to aid in the environmental monitoring of harbor conditions.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nstation_name\ntime (Timestamp, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nprecise_lon (Precise Longitude, degrees_east)\nprecise_lat (Precise Latitude, degrees_north)\nwave_ht_sig (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m)\nwave_period_max (Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period, s)\nwave_ht_max (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m)\nwave_dir_avg (Sea Surface Wave To Direction, degree)\nwave_spread_avg (Wavespread, degree)\n | | | | | | | XEOS | SmartAtlantic_XEOS_hk4_buoy | ||| | | | | Yarmouth County Water Quality Data | The Centre for Marine Applied Research’s (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program provides high resolution data on ocean variables from around the coast of Nova Scotia. The program was initiated by the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the early 1990s. In 2019, CMAR assumed responsibility for the program and expanded its scope and mandate. Through the Water Quality Branch of the program, CMAR collects temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity data using sensors deployed on “sensor strings”. A sensor string typically consists of a line anchored to the sea floor by an acoustic release and suspended by a sub-surface buoy, with sensors attached at various depths below the surface (as measured at low tide). Alternatively, a string may be attached to surface moorings, including floating docks, buoys, and equipment. Sensor strings are deployed for several months, and data are measured every 1 minute to 1 hour. Sensors are retrieved for data offload by triggering the acoustic release when applicable, by directly removing from surface moorings, or occasionally by divers or grappling methods. Automated Quality Control tests have been applied to the data to identify outlying and unexpected observations. The results of these tests are summarized in the “qc_flag” columns of the dataset. Each data point is assigned a flag value of “Pass”, “Suspect/Of Interest”, “Fail”, or “Not Evaluated”. Observations flagged as “Pass” passed all tests and can be included in analyses. Dissolved oxygen observations flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” likely indicate biofouling signals and should be excluded from analysis or used with extreme caution. Observations for other variables flagged as “Suspect/Of Interest” should be reviewed before being included in analyses. Observations flagged as “Fail” should be excluded from most analyses. Some tests cannot be applied to certain observations, which will be flagged as “Not Evaluated”. These observations can typically be included in analyses. Flags should be used as a guide only, and data users are responsible for evaluating the quality of the data prior to use in any analysis. For more information about the Quality Control tests, visit the CMAR Data Governance website ( The Coastal Monitoring Program Water Quality data is organized by county. These datasets are very large, typically exceeding the number of rows that can be viewed in Excel. CMAR recommends filtering the data to the waterbody, station, depth, quality control flag, and/or time period of interest before exporting. A chart derived from the dataset also allows for interactive filtering and export ( The \"Nova Scotia Water Quality Data: Station Locations\" dataset on this Portal shows additional locations with available Water Quality data collected through CMAR’s Coastal Monitoring Program ( Summary reports by county are available on the CMAR website ( Data can also be downloaded from the ERDDAP server through the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) platform ( Data collection and retrieval are ongoing. The datasets and reports may be revised pending ongoing data collection and analyses. If you have accessed any Coastal Monitoring Program data, CMAR would appreciate your feedback: Please acknowledge the Centre for Marine Applied Research in any published material that uses this data. Contact for more information.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nwaterbody\n... (20 more variables)\n | | | | | | | Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR) | 9qw2-yb2f |