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Présenté par NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD    
Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String station_name,longitude,latitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, NCCSV-1.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String SmartBay at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Marine Institute
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (lien externe)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -54.50865833333333
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 49.675105
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 49.675105
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -54.50865833333333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -54.50865833333333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (lien externe)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String MI
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String air, air_dewpoint_avg, air_humidity_avg, air_pressure, air_pressure_avg, air_temp_avg, atmosphere, atmospheric, average, curr, curr_dir_avg, curr_spd_avg, currents, data, dew, dew point, dewpoint, dir, direction, earth, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Swells, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Speed/Direction, humidity, identifier, latitude, level, local, longitude, max, measurements, meteorology, name, ocean, oceans, period, point, pressure, science, sea, sea_surface_swell_wave_period, sea_surface_wave_to_direction, seaSurfaceHeight, seaSurfaceTemperature, sig, source, spd, speed, spread, static, station, station_name, surface, surface waves, surface_temp_avg, surfaceCurrents, swell, swells, temperature, time, timestamp, wave, wave_dir_avg, wave_ht_max, wave_ht_sig, wave_period_max, wave_spread_avg, waves, wind, wind_dir_avg, wind_from_direction, wind_spd_avg, wind_spd_max, winds
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_fra String surfaceCurrents, seaSurfaceHeight, seaSurfaceTemperature
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String (lien externe)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 49.675105
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String moored surface buoy
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String (lien externe)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 49.675105
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v79
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String A 3 metre diameter meteorological/oceanographic buoy built by AXYS Environmental Technologies of Sidney, British Columbia.The buoy is capable of measuring a variety of atmospheric and surface conditions including: wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, water temperature, current speed and direction (0.5 m. depth), wave height, direction and period as well as wave spectral information.  The buoy is also equipped with an Aids to Navigation Information System (ATONiS) allowing direct transmittal of the buoy data to a ship's bridge.
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary_fra String Une bouée météorologique/océanographique de 3 mètres de diamètre construite par AXYS Environmental Technologies de Sidney, en Colombie-Britannique. La bouée est capable de mesurer une variété de conditions atmosphériques et de surface, y compris la vitesse et la direction du vent, la température de l'air, l'humidité, le point de rosée la pression barométrique, la température de l'eau, la vitesse et la direction du courant (0,5 m de profondeur), la hauteur, la direction et la période des vagues ainsi que l'information spectrale des vagues. La bouée est également munie d'un système d'information sur les aides à la navigation (AtonIS) qui permet la transmission directe des données de la bouée à la passerelle d'un navire.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2018-09-12T10:53:41Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2018-07-10T00:23:41Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Manolis Buoy
attribute NC_GLOBAL title_fra String Bouée Manolis
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String 2ed26c3c-d328-453d-86cb-eef7ab3f9c58
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -54.50865833333333
variable station_name String
attribute station_name _Encoding String UTF-8
attribute station_name cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute station_name ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station_name long_name String Station Name
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.531182221E9, 1.536749621E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Timestamp
attribute time source_name String timestamp
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double -54.50865833333333, -54.50865833333333
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 49.675105, 49.675105
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable precise_lon double
attribute precise_lon actual_range double -54.50865833, -54.48560333
attribute precise_lon ioos_category String Location
attribute precise_lon long_name String Precise Longitude
attribute precise_lon standard_name String longitude
attribute precise_lon units String degrees_east
variable precise_lat double
attribute precise_lat actual_range double 49.675105, 49.68858167
attribute precise_lat ioos_category String Location
attribute precise_lat long_name String Precise Latitude
attribute precise_lat standard_name String latitude
attribute precise_lat units String degrees_north
variable wind_spd_avg float
attribute wind_spd_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute wind_spd_avg actual_range float 0.4, 13.5
attribute wind_spd_avg ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_spd_avg long_name String Wind Spd Avg
attribute wind_spd_avg standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_spd_avg units String m s-1
variable wind_spd_max float
attribute wind_spd_max _FillValue float NaN
attribute wind_spd_max actual_range float 0.7, 20.1
attribute wind_spd_max ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_spd_max long_name String Wind Spd Max
attribute wind_spd_max standard_name String wind_speed_of_gust
attribute wind_spd_max units String m s-1
variable wind_dir_avg short
attribute wind_dir_avg _FillValue short 32767
attribute wind_dir_avg actual_range short 0, 360
attribute wind_dir_avg colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wind_dir_avg colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_dir_avg ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_dir_avg long_name String Wind From Direction
attribute wind_dir_avg standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_dir_avg units String degree
variable air_temp_avg float
attribute air_temp_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute air_temp_avg actual_range float 8.4, 28.1
attribute air_temp_avg ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temp_avg long_name String Air Temp Avg
attribute air_temp_avg standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temp_avg units String degree_C
variable air_pressure_avg float
attribute air_pressure_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute air_pressure_avg actual_range float 996.3, 1032.6
attribute air_pressure_avg colorBarMaximum double 1050.0
attribute air_pressure_avg colorBarMinimum double 950.0
attribute air_pressure_avg ioos_category String Pressure
attribute air_pressure_avg long_name String Air Pressure
attribute air_pressure_avg standard_name String air_pressure
attribute air_pressure_avg units String mbar
variable air_humidity_avg String
attribute air_humidity_avg ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute air_humidity_avg long_name String Air Humidity Avg
attribute air_humidity_avg standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute air_humidity_avg units String 1
variable air_dewpoint_avg String
attribute air_dewpoint_avg ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute air_dewpoint_avg long_name String Air Dewpoint Avg
attribute air_dewpoint_avg standard_name String dew_point_temperature
attribute air_dewpoint_avg units String degree_C
variable surface_temp_avg float
attribute surface_temp_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute surface_temp_avg actual_range float 10.4, 19.3
attribute surface_temp_avg ioos_category String Temperature
attribute surface_temp_avg long_name String Surface Temp Avg
attribute surface_temp_avg standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute surface_temp_avg units String degree_C
variable wave_ht_max float
attribute wave_ht_max _FillValue float NaN
attribute wave_ht_max actual_range float 0.2, 3.7
attribute wave_ht_max ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute wave_ht_max long_name String Wave Ht Max
attribute wave_ht_max standard_name String sea_surface_wave_maximum_height
attribute wave_ht_max units String m
variable wave_ht_sig float
attribute wave_ht_sig _FillValue float NaN
attribute wave_ht_sig actual_range float 0.1, 1.8
attribute wave_ht_sig ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute wave_ht_sig long_name String Wave Ht Sig
attribute wave_ht_sig standard_name String sea_surface_wave_significant_height
attribute wave_ht_sig units String m
variable wave_period_max float
attribute wave_period_max _FillValue float NaN
attribute wave_period_max actual_range float 1.9, 28.6
attribute wave_period_max colorBarMaximum double 20.0
attribute wave_period_max colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wave_period_max ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute wave_period_max long_name String Sea Surface Wave Maximum Period
attribute wave_period_max standard_name String sea_surface_wave_maximum_period
attribute wave_period_max units String s
variable wave_dir_avg short
attribute wave_dir_avg _FillValue short 32767
attribute wave_dir_avg actual_range short 0, 360
attribute wave_dir_avg colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wave_dir_avg colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wave_dir_avg ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute wave_dir_avg long_name String Sea Surface Wave To Direction
attribute wave_dir_avg standard_name String sea_surface_wave_to_direction
attribute wave_dir_avg units String degree
variable wave_spread_avg byte
attribute wave_spread_avg _FillValue byte 127
attribute wave_spread_avg actual_range byte 28, 73
attribute wave_spread_avg ioos_category String Surface Waves
attribute wave_spread_avg long_name String Wave Spread Avg
attribute wave_spread_avg standard_name String sea_surface_wave_directional_spread
attribute wave_spread_avg units String degree
variable curr_dir_avg float
attribute curr_dir_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute curr_dir_avg actual_range float 0.0, 359.7
attribute curr_dir_avg ioos_category String Currents
attribute curr_dir_avg long_name String Curr Dir Avg
attribute curr_dir_avg standard_name String sea_water_velocity_to_direction
attribute curr_dir_avg units String degree
variable curr_spd_avg float
attribute curr_spd_avg _FillValue float NaN
attribute curr_spd_avg actual_range float 2.2, 862.5
attribute curr_spd_avg ioos_category String Currents
attribute curr_spd_avg long_name String Curr Spd Avg
attribute curr_spd_avg standard_name String sea_water_speed
attribute curr_spd_avg units String mm s-1

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