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ERDDAP > Out-Of-Date Datasets

The outOfDate index is a simplistic measure of how out-of-date a dataset is: <0: unexpectedly from the future(!), <1: up-to-date, >=1: out-of-date, >=2: very out-of-date. For out-of-date datasets, there is presumably a problem with the data source, so ERDDAP is unable to access data from more recent time points.

25 matching datasets. This web page was generated at 2025-01-21T10:53:09Z .

outOfDate testOutOfDate maxTime datasetID title
███ 3491.584 now-1hour 2024-08-28T23:30:00Z candhis_spm_97501_timeseries St. Pierre et Miquelon Wave Buoy
███ 3491.084 now-1hour 2024-08-29T00:00:00Z candhis_spm_97501_wave_spectra St. Pierre et Miquelon, Wave Spectra
███ 1390.2777 now-1day 2021-04-02T04:18:00Z cmar_c5a5_c41c_2090 CMAR - Chedabucto Bay
███ 1312.9615 now-1day 2021-06-18T11:53:00Z cmar_8f10_9c65_13cb CMAR - St. Mary's Bay
███ 1065.4568 now-1day 2022-02-20T23:59:00Z cmar_fca0_698a_0716 CMAR - Jordan Bay
███ 486.42346 now-2hours 2024-12-11T22:04:00Z DFO_Sutron_KLUMI Placentia Bay: Ragged Islands - KLUMI
███ 167.18658 now-20minutes 2025-01-19T03:10:00Z SMA_halifax_anemometer1 Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 31
███ 167.18658 now-20minutes 2025-01-19T03:10:00Z SMA_halifax_fairview Halifax Ocean Terminals: Fairview
███ 167.18658 now-20minutes 2025-01-19T03:10:00Z SMA_halifax_pier9c Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 9C
███ 166.98656 now-20minutes 2025-01-19T03:14:00Z SMA_saint_john_cruise_terminal Diamond Jubilee Cruise Ship Terminal Meteorological Station
███ 56.44481 now-60minutes 2025-01-19T02:26:40Z SMA_Holyrood_Buoy2 Holyrood Buoy 2
███ 56.005615 now-60minutes 2025-01-19T02:53:01Z SMA_halifax Halifax (Herring Cove) Buoy
███ 56.005615 now-60minutes 2025-01-19T02:53:01Z SMA_saint_john Saint John Buoy
███ 55.939224 now-1hours 2025-01-19T02:57:00Z SMA_red_island_shoal Pilot Boarding Station / Red Island Shoal Buoy
███ 55.888943 now-60minutes 2025-01-19T03:00:01Z SMA_st_johns St. John's Buoy
███ 29.3594 now-4days 2024-09-26T00:23:07Z SPOT-1461_202204 Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1461
███ 28.510502 now-2hours 2025-01-19T01:52:00Z sma_negl_black_tickle_nlqu0003 NEGL, Black Tickle-Domino, NunatuKavut (NLQU0003)
███ 28.510502 now-2hours 2025-01-19T01:52:00Z sma_negl_cartwright_junction_nlqu0004 NEGL, Cartwright Junction, Labrador (NLQU0004)
███ 28.510502 now-2hours 2025-01-19T01:52:00Z sma_negl_postville_nlqu0001 NEGL, Postville, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0001)
███ 28.510502 now-2hours 2025-01-19T01:52:00Z sma_negl_red_bay_nlqu0005 NEGL, Red Bay, NunatuKavut (NLQU0005)
███ 28.510502 now-2hours 2025-01-19T01:52:00Z sma_negl_rigolet_nlqu0002 NEGL, Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0002)
███ 28.310495 now-2hours 2025-01-19T02:16:00Z sma_negl_north_west_river_nlqu0007 NEGL, North West River, Labrador (NLQU0007)
███ 27.868816 now-2hours 2025-01-19T03:09:00Z DFO_Sutron_NHARB Placentia Bay: North Harbour - NHARB
███ 2.1813636 now-4days 2025-01-12T17:28:31Z SPOT-1431_202204 Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1431
███ 0.0034710458 now-2days 2025-01-21T10:43:10Z force_meteorological_tower FORCE Meteorological Tower

This web page was generated at 2025-01-21T10:53:09Z .
This web page will refresh itself automatically every 15 minutes.


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