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ERDDAP > tabledap > Subset ?

Dataset Title:  Pictou County Water Quality Data Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Centre for Marine Applied Research (CMAR)   (Dataset ID: adpu-nyt8)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 103)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    waterbody ?  =  5 options
    station ?  =  8 options
    sensor_type ?  =  3 options
    sensor_serial_number ?  =  23 options
    lease ?  =  4 options
    string_configuration ?  =  3 options
    qc_flag_dissolved_oxygen ?  =  5 options
    qc_flag_salinity ?  =  5 options
    qc_flag_sensor_depth_measured ?  =  4 options
    qc_flag_temperature ?  =  5 options
    depth_crosscheck_flag ?  =  3 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

waterbody station sensor_type sensor_serial_number lease string_configuration qc_flag_dissolved_oxygen qc_flag_salinity qc_flag_sensor_depth_measured qc_flag_temperature depth_crosscheck_flag
Caribou Harbour Waterside hobo 10755242 1351 attached to gear Fail
Caribou Harbour Waterside hobo 10755242 1351 attached to gear Not Evaluated
Caribou Harbour Waterside hobo 10755242 1351 attached to gear Pass
Caribou Harbour Waterside hobo 10755242 1351 attached to gear Suspect/Of Interest
French Channel Robinson Cove hobo 20291479 1086 attached to gear Not Evaluated
French Channel Robinson Cove hobo 20291479 1086 attached to gear Pass
French Channel Robinson Cove hobo 20291479 1086 attached to gear Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20291467 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20291467 sub-surface buoy Pass
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20291467 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20495220 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20495220 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach hobo 20495220 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Little Harbour Melmerby Beach vr2ar 549345 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Fail Fail
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Fail Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Fail Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Not Evaluated Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Fail
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 2 aquameasure 670379 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Fail Fail
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Fail Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Fail Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Not Evaluated Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Pass Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Fail
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 aquameasure 680158 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 hobo 20687285 attached to fixed structure Not Evaluated
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 hobo 20687285 attached to fixed structure Pass
Little Harbour Roy Island 3 hobo 20687285 attached to fixed structure Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 10194920 1320 attached to gear Not Evaluated
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 10194920 1320 attached to gear Pass
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 10194920 1320 attached to gear Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 20291480 1320 attached to gear Not Evaluated
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 20291480 1320 attached to gear Pass
Merigomish Harbour Back Harbour hobo 20291480 1320 attached to gear Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Fail Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Pass Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 670292 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Fail Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Fail Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Fail Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Pass Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671137 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Fail Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Fail Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 671312 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Fail Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Fail Fail Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Fail Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Pass Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Pass Fail Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Pass Fail Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Fail Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Fail Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island aquameasure 675008 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Fail Suspect/Of Interest Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20291479 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20291479 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20291479 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20308041 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20308041 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20820327 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20820327 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 20820327 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 21043074 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island hobo 21043074 sub-surface buoy Pass Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island vr2ar 547232 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island vr2ar 548039 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Suspect/Of Interest
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island vr2ar 549346 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island vr2ar 549347 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Merigomish Harbour Olding Island vr2ar 549347 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Fail Pass Pass Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass Pass Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Not Evaluated Not Evaluated Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Pass Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake aquameasure 675014 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass Suspect/Of Interest Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake hobo 20495236 sub-surface buoy Not Evaluated Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake hobo 20495236 sub-surface buoy Pass Pass
Piper Lake Piper Lake hobo 20495236 sub-surface buoy Suspect/Of Interest Pass

In total, there are 103 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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