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   set  data   graph     files  FORCE Meteorological Tower    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe FORCE force_meteorological_tower

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String StationID, longitude, latitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Joel Culina
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String custodian
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String FORCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2016-12-09
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -64.403
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 45.3713
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 45.3713
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -64.403
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -64.403
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String FORCE
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String air pressure, air temperature, meteorology, other, rain, solar radiation, wind
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 45.3713
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 45.3713
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v79
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String StationID, Manual_BP, longitude, latitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Variables: a) Rain (mm) b) Air Temp (C) c) Wind Dir () d) Wind Speed (m/s) e) Pressure Raw (Pa) f) Wind Speed Max 2 min (m/s) g) Wind Speed Max 15 min (m/s) h) Solar Radiation (MJ) i) Wind Speed Median 15 min (m/s) j) Relative Humidity (%) k) Air Temp Max 1 min (C) l) Pressure (mbar) m) Elevation Correction n) Wind Speed Avg 15 min (m/s) o) Potential Temperature (C) p) Date (UTC) q) Solar Raw r) Wind Dir Avg 15 min () s) Solar Radiation (kW); Temporal frequency: 15 mins; Temporal coverage: Dec 2016-present; Spatial coverage: Fixed met tower; How: standard sensor suite; Why: Informing meteorological conditions at the FORCE site
attribute NC_GLOBAL testOutOfDate String now-2days
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2024-07-27T08:41:33Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2016-12-09T14:04:22Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String FORCE Meteorological Tower
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -64.403
variable StationID   int  
attribute StationID actual_range int 1156, 1156
attribute StationID cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute StationID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute StationID long_name String Station ID
attribute StationID units String 1
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.481292262E9, 1.722069693E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Date
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -64.403, -64.403
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double 45.3713, 45.3713
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable battery_voltage   float  
attribute battery_voltage actual_range float 9.171404, 14.37118
attribute battery_voltage ioos_category String Unknown
attribute battery_voltage long_name String Battery Voltage
attribute battery_voltage units String Volts
variable air_temperature   float  
attribute air_temperature actual_range float -26.6394, 30.51006
attribute air_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature long_name String Air Temperature
attribute air_temperature standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature units String degree_Celsius
variable solar_irradiance   float  
attribute solar_irradiance actual_range float -4.839866E-4, 1.44456
attribute solar_irradiance ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute solar_irradiance long_name String Solar Irradiance (kW/m^2)
attribute solar_irradiance standard_name String solar_irradiance
attribute solar_irradiance units String kW m-2
variable relative_humidity   float  
attribute relative_humidity actual_range float 17.12354, 100.4254
attribute relative_humidity colorBarMaximum float 100.0
attribute relative_humidity colorBarMinimum float 0.0
attribute relative_humidity ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute relative_humidity long_name String Relative Humidity
attribute relative_humidity standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute relative_humidity units String percent
variable Manual_BP   int  
attribute Manual_BP actual_range int 0, 0
attribute Manual_BP ioos_category String Other
attribute Manual_BP long_name String Manual BP
attribute Manual_BP units String 1
variable wind_speed   float  
attribute wind_speed actual_range float 0.0, 28.616
attribute wind_speed ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed long_name String Wind Speed
attribute wind_speed standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed units String m/s
attribute wind_speed valid_range float 0.0, 51.444
variable air_potential_temperature   float  
attribute air_potential_temperature actual_range float -25.25413, 36.23816
attribute air_potential_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_potential_temperature long_name String Air Potential Temperature
attribute air_potential_temperature standard_name String air_potential_temperature
attribute air_potential_temperature units String degree_Celsius
variable wind_speed_15min_max   float  
attribute wind_speed_15min_max actual_range float 0.0, 31.752
attribute wind_speed_15min_max ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_15min_max long_name String Wind Speed 15min Max
attribute wind_speed_15min_max standard_name String wind_speed_of_gust
attribute wind_speed_15min_max units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_15min_max valid_range float 0.0, 51.444
variable Prog_Sig   int  
attribute Prog_Sig actual_range int 43690, 43690
attribute Prog_Sig ioos_category String Other
attribute Prog_Sig long_name String Prog Sig
attribute Prog_Sig units String 1
variable air_pressure   float  
attribute air_pressure actual_range float 0.0, 1043.236
attribute air_pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute air_pressure long_name String Air Pressure
attribute air_pressure standard_name String air_pressure
attribute air_pressure units String hPa
variable solar_irradiance_raw   float  
attribute solar_irradiance_raw actual_range float -2.419933E-6, 0.007222802
attribute solar_irradiance_raw ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute solar_irradiance_raw long_name String Solar Irradiance Raw (MJ)
attribute solar_irradiance_raw units String MJ
variable wind_speed_2min_max   float  
attribute wind_speed_2min_max actual_range float 0.0, 29.42
attribute wind_speed_2min_max ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_2min_max long_name String Wind Speed 2min Max
attribute wind_speed_2min_max standard_name String wind_speed_of_gust
attribute wind_speed_2min_max units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_2min_max valid_range float 0.0, 51.444
variable air_pressure_raw   float  
attribute air_pressure_raw actual_range float 0.0, 1041.435
attribute air_pressure_raw ioos_category String Pressure
attribute air_pressure_raw long_name String Air Pressure Raw
attribute air_pressure_raw standard_name String air_pressure
attribute air_pressure_raw units String hPa
variable Rain_mm   byte  
attribute Rain_mm actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute Rain_mm ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute Rain_mm long_name String Rain (mm)
attribute Rain_mm standard_name String thickness_of_rainfall_amount
attribute Rain_mm units String mm
variable wind_from_direction_15min_average   double  
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average actual_range double 0.00162562059075, 359.999926541
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average long_name String Wind From Direction 15min Average
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_from_direction_15min_average units String degree
variable air_temperature_1min_max   float  
attribute air_temperature_1min_max actual_range float -26.57, 30.61
attribute air_temperature_1min_max ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature_1min_max long_name String Air Temperature 1min Max
attribute air_temperature_1min_max standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature_1min_max units String degree_Celsius
variable wind_from_direction   float  
attribute wind_from_direction actual_range float -0.1205809, 354.6209
attribute wind_from_direction colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wind_from_direction colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_from_direction ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_from_direction long_name String Wind From Direction
attribute wind_from_direction standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_from_direction units String degree
variable wind_speed_15min_median   double  
attribute wind_speed_15min_median actual_range double 0.0, 24.9704
attribute wind_speed_15min_median ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_15min_median long_name String Wind Speed 15min Median
attribute wind_speed_15min_median standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_15min_median units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_15min_median valid_range double 0.0, 51.444000244140625
variable wind_speed_15min_average   double  
attribute wind_speed_15min_average actual_range double 0.0, 24.8342562874
attribute wind_speed_15min_average ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_15min_average long_name String Wind Speed 15min Average
attribute wind_speed_15min_average standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_15min_average units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_15min_average valid_range double 0.0, 51.444000244140625
variable Elevation_Correction   float  
attribute Elevation_Correction actual_range float 0.0, 1.80078
attribute Elevation_Correction ioos_category String Location
attribute Elevation_Correction long_name String Elevation Correction
attribute Elevation_Correction units String m
variable elevation   float  
attribute elevation actual_range float 25.0, 25.0
attribute elevation ioos_category String Location
attribute elevation long_name String Height Above Mean Sea Level
attribute elevation standard_name String height_above_mean_sea_level
attribute elevation units String m

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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