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Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD |
Dataset Title: | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Bulk Unsorted CTD Profiles
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Institution: | DFO NAFC (Dataset ID: nafc_bulk_unsorted_ctd_profiles) |
Information: | Summary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Attributes { s { id { String cf_role "profile_id"; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Profile ID"; } platform_name { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Platform Name"; } wmo_platform_code { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "WMO Platform Code"; } platform_call_sign { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Platform Call Sign"; } dfo_nafc_platform_code { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "DFO NAFC Platform Code"; } dfo_nafc_platform_name { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "DFO NAFC Platform Name"; } station { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 901; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Station"; } latitude { String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat"; Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range 27.201666, 100.6665; String axis "Y"; String coords "True"; String coverage_content_type "coordinate"; String ioos_category "Location"; String legacy_p_code "latitude"; String long_name "Latitude"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees north"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::DEGN"; String standard_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String variable_name "latitude"; } longitude { String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon"; Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range -1000.6665, -41.953335; String axis "X"; String coords "True"; String coverage_content_type "coordinate"; String ioos_category "Location"; String legacy_p_code "longitude"; String long_name "Longitude"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees east"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::DEGN"; String standard_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String variable_name "longitude"; } time { String _CoordinateAxisType "Time"; Float64 actual_range 4.28629312e+8, 1.72838938e+9; String axis "T"; String calendar "proleptic_gregorian"; String coords "True"; String coverage_content_type "coordinate"; String ioos_category "Time"; String legacy_p_code "time"; String long_name "Time"; String standard_name "time"; String time_origin "01-JAN-1970 00:00:00"; String units "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; String variable_name "time"; } sounder_depth { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range -215, 9999; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Station Depth"; String units "m"; } instrument { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Instrument"; } set_number { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 999; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Set Number"; } cast_type { String flag_meaning "vertical tow"; String flag_values "V T"; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Cast Type"; } comment { String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Comment"; } cast_direction { String flag_meaning "up down both"; String flag_values "U D B"; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Cast Direction"; } sub_interval { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 1; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Sub Interval"; } fishing_strata { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 700; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Fising Strata"; } cloud_coverage { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 9; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Cloud Coverage"; } wind_dir { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 960; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Wind Direction"; String units "degrees_true_north"; } wind_speed_knots { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 98; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Wind Speed"; String units "knots"; } air_pressure { Float32 actual_range -9.0, 1310.0; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Air Pressure"; String standard_name "air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level"; String units "bars"; } air_dry_temp_celsius { Float32 actual_range -45.5, 516.5; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Air Dry Temperature"; String units "degrees_celsius"; } air_wet_temp_celsius { Float32 actual_range -49.0, 517.2; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Air Wet Temperature"; String units "degrees_celsius"; } waves_period { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 95; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Wave Period"; String units "s"; } waves_height { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 93; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Wave Height"; String units "m"; } swell_dir { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 950; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Swell Direction"; String units "degrees_true_north"; } swell_height { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 82; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Swell Height"; String units "m"; } swell_period { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 97; String ioos_category "Identifier"; String long_name "Swell Period"; String units "s"; } ice_conc { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 9; String ioos_category "Ice Distribution"; String long_name "Ice Concentration"; } ice_stage { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 9; String ioos_category "Ice Distribution"; String long_name "Ice Stage"; } ice_bergs { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 9; String ioos_category "Ice Distribution"; String long_name "Ice Bergs"; } ice_sandt { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; String ioos_category "Ice Distribution"; String long_name "Ice SandT"; } scan { Int32 _FillValue 2147483647; Int32 actual_range 0, 109354; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String id "0"; String ioos_category "Unknown"; String legacy_p_code "scan"; String long_name "Scan Count"; String sbe_variable "scan"; String seabird_name "scan"; Float64 value_max 23170.0; Float64 value_min 2.0; String variable_name "scan"; } depth { String _CoordinateAxisType "Height"; String _CoordinateZisPositive "down"; Float32 actual_range -1.5738542, 3614.762; String axis "Z"; String coverage_content_type "coordinate"; String ioos_category "Location"; String legacy_p_code "pres"; String long_name "Depth"; String positive "down"; String sdn_uom_name "Metres"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::ULAA"; String seabird_name "depth"; String standard_name "depth"; String units "m"; } PRESPR01 { Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range -1.587, 3676.628; String bodc_alternative_label "Pres_Z"; String comments "Digiquartz pressure sensor"; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column."; String id "1"; String instrument "Digiquartz"; String ioos_category "Pressure"; String legacy_p_code "pres"; String long_name "Pressure, Digiquartz"; String sbe_variable "prdM"; String sdn_parameter_name "Pressure (spatial coordinate) exerted by the water body by profiling pressure sensor and correction to read zero at sea level"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PRESPR01"; String sdn_uom_name "Decibar"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPBL"; String seabird_name "prDM"; String standard_name "sea_water_pressure"; String units "dbar"; Float64 value_max 326.586; Float64 value_min -0.278; } TEMPS901 { Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range -2.0, 39.1; String bodc_alternative_label "CTDTmp90"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String id "2"; String ioos_category "Temperature"; String legacy_p_code "temp"; String long_name "Temperature [ITS-90]"; String sbe_variable "t090C"; String sdn_parameter_name "Temperature (ITS-90) of the water body by CTD or STD"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::TEMPS901"; String sdn_uom_name "Degrees Celsius"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPAA"; String seabird_name "t090C"; String standard_name "sea_water_temperature"; String units "degrees_celsius"; Float64 value_max 15.5499; Float64 value_min -1.0738; } CNDCST01 { Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range -0.7, 35.389; String bodc_alternative_label "CTDCond"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String id "3"; String ioos_category "Other"; String legacy_p_code "cond"; String long_name "Conductivity"; String name "c0SPerm"; String sbe_variable "c0S/m"; String sdn_parameter_name "Electrical conductivity of the water body by CTD"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CNDCST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Siemens per metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UECA"; String seabird_name "c0S/m"; String standard_name "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; String units "S/m"; Float64 value_max 30.644536; Float64 value_min 6.81e-4; } PSALST01 { Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range 0.0, 54.313; String bodc_alternative_label "P_sal_CTD"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "This is the preferred term for this definition. Alternative term PSALST02 is included to cover cases where there are two sensors of the same type contributing to the data set and referential integrity considerations prevent a usage of a single code."; String id "5"; String ioos_category "Salinity"; String legacy_p_code "sal"; String long_name "Salinity, Practical"; String sbe_variable "sal00"; String sdn_parameter_name "Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PSALST01"; String sdn_uom_name "Dimensionless"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UUUU"; String seabird_name "sal00"; String standard_name "sea_water_practical_salinity"; String units "PSU"; Float64 value_max 472.7668; Float64 value_min 0.0101; } SIGTEQST { Float32 _FillValue NaN; Float32 actual_range 0.0, 7130.0; String bodc_alternative_label "Sigma-T"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coordinates "latitude longitude time"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "Computed by UNESCO SVAN function using in-situ temperature"; String id "6"; String ioos_category "Other"; String legacy_p_code "sigmat"; String long_name "Sigma-T"; String sbe_variable "sigma-t00"; String sdn_parameter_name "Sigma-T of the water body by computation from salinity and temperature using UNESCO algorithm"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::SIGTEQST"; String sdn_uom_name "Kilograms per cubic metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UKMC"; String seabird_name "sigma-t00"; String standard_name "sea_water_sigma_t"; String units "kg/m^3"; Float64 value_max 428.4758; Float64 value_min -0.9723; } CPHLPR01 { Float32 actual_range -1.836, 4830.0; String bodc_alternative_label "chl-a_water_ISfluor"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "In-situ fluorometer with either manufacturer, laboratory or sample calibration applied."; String ioos_category "Other"; String legacy_p_code "flor"; String long_name "Fluorescence"; String sdn_parameter_name "Concentration of chlorophyll-a {chl-a CAS 479-61-8} per unit volume of the water body [particulate >unknown phase] by in-situ chlorophyll fluorometer"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CPHLPR01"; String sdn_uom_name "Milligrams per cubic metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UMMC"; String standard_name "mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water"; String units "mg/m^3"; } DOXYZZ01 { Float32 actual_range 0.0, 100.572; String bodc_alternative_label "WC_dissO2_IS"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "Unspecified type of oxygen sensor with no information on whether it has been calibrated against sample data"; String instrument "SBE 43"; String ioos_category "Dissolved O2"; String legacy_p_code "oxy"; String long_name "Oxygen, SBE 43"; String sdn_parameter_name "Concentration of oxygen {O2 CAS 7782-44-7} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ sensor"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::DOXYZZ01"; String sdn_uom_name "Millilitres per litre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UMLL"; String seabird_name "sbeox0ML/L"; String standard_name "volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water"; String units "ml/l"; } DWIRRXUD { Float32 actual_range 0.0, 29681.66; String bodc_alternative_label "SubSurDWVectPAR"; String comments "Biospherical, Licor, or Chelsea sensor; 1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String instrument "Biospherical/Licor"; String ioos_category "Optical Properties"; String legacy_p_code "par"; String long_name "Par/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor"; String sdn_parameter_name "Downwelling vector irradiance as energy of electromagnetic radiation (PAR wavelengths) in the water body by cosine-collector radiometer"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::DWIRRXUD"; String sdn_uom_name "downwelling_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water"; String seabird_name "par"; String standard_name "downwelling_photon_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water"; String units "µeinsteins/s/m^2"; } PHXXZZXX { Float32 actual_range 7.987, 8.224; String bodc_alternative_label "pH"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "Minus the log of the hydrogen ion concentration (moles per litre) in the water column."; String ioos_category "Other"; String legacy_p_code "ph"; String long_name "pH"; String sdn_parameter_name "pH (unspecified scale) of the water body"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::PHXXZZXX"; String sdn_uom_name "pH units"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UUPH"; String seabird_name "ph"; String standard_name "sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale"; } OPTCPS01 { Float32 actual_range -1.83, 99.58; String comments "1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String instrument "WET Labs C-Star"; String ioos_category "Optical Properties"; String legacy_p_code "trp"; String long_name "Beam Transmission, Wet Labs C-Star"; String sdn_parameter_name "Transmittance (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::OPTCPS01"; String sdn_uom_name "Percent"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPCT"; String seabird_name "CStarTr0"; String units "%"; } ATTNZS01 { String bodc_alternative_label "RedPWCorr"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "WET Labs transmissometer calibrated to zero in clear water"; String instrument "WET Labs C-Star"; String ioos_category "Optical Properties"; String legacy_p_code "tra"; String long_name "Beam Attenuation, Wet Labs C-Star"; String sdn_parameter_name "Attenuation (red light wavelength) per unit length of the water body by WET Labs transmissometer and calibration to read zero in clear water"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::ATTNZS01"; String sdn_uom_name "per metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UPRM"; String seabird_name "CStarAt0"; String standard_name "volume_beam_attenuation_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water"; String units "1/m"; } CCOMD002 { String bodc_alternative_label "CDOM_fluor_WETLabs"; String comments "1st sensor"; String coverage_content_type "physicalMeasurement"; String definition "Quantity or mass of the specified analyte in a unit volume of an unfiltered sample of fresh or salt water."; String instrument "WET Labs CDOM"; String ioos_category "Optical Properties"; String legacy_p_code "wet"; String long_name "Fluorescence, Wet Labs CDOM"; String sdn_parameter_name "Concentration of coloured dissolved organic matter {CDOM Gelbstoff} per unit volume of the water body [dissolved plus reactive particulate phase] by in-situ WET Labs FDOM ECO fluorometer"; String sdn_parameter_urn "SDN:P01::CCOMD002"; String sdn_uom_name "Milligrams per cubic metre"; String sdn_uom_urn "SDN:P06::UMMC"; String seabird_name "wetCDOM"; String standard_name "concentration_of_colored_dissolved_organic_matter_in_sea_water_expressed_as_equivalent_mass_fraction_of_quinine_sulfate_dihydrate"; String units "mg/m^3"; } } NC_GLOBAL { String bad_flag "-9.990e-29"; String cdm_data_type "Profile"; String cdm_profile_variables "station,latitude,longitude,time,id,platform_name,wmo_platform_code,platform_call_sign,dfo_nafc_platform_code,dfo_nafc_platform_name,fishing_strata,sub_interval,sounder_depth,air_pressure,air_dry_temp_celsius,air_wet_temp_celsius,cloud_coverage,swell_dir,swell_height,swell_period,waves_height,waves_period,instrument,wind_dir,wind_speed_knots,ice_conc,ice_stage,ice_bergs,ice_sandt,comment"; String Conventions "CF-1.6,ACDD-1.3, COARDS"; String creator_institution "Fisheries and Oceans Canada"; String creator_url "https://meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/"; Float64 depth 323; Float64 Easternmost_Easting -41.95333; String featureType "Profile"; String file_type "ascii"; String filename "vla211_2024_007"; Float64 geospatial_lat_max 100.6665; Float64 geospatial_lat_min 27.20167; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; Float64 geospatial_lon_max -41.95333; Float64 geospatial_lon_min -1000.667; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; Float64 geospatial_vertical_max 3614.762; Float64 geospatial_vertical_min -1.573854; String geospatial_vertical_positive "down"; String geospatial_vertical_units "m"; String history "2025-03-12T04:36:13Z (local files) 2025-03-12T04:36:13Z https://cioosatlantic.ca/erddap/tabledap/nafc_bulk_unsorted_ctd_profiles.html"; String id "e4ac21ff-414c-40e0-a943-21f664c92e7e"; String infoUrl "???"; String institution "DFO NAFC"; String instrument_type "SBE25plus"; String instrument_xml "{\"Sensors\": {\"@count\": \"11\", \"sensor\": [{\"@Channel\": \"1\", \"TemperatureSensor\": {\"@SensorID\": \"55\", \"SerialNumber\": \"6002\", \"CalibrationDate\": \"07-Jan-17\", \"UseG_J\": \"1\", \"A\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"B\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"C\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"D\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"F0_Old\": \"0.000\", \"G\": \"4.40175010e-003\", \"H\": \"6.42674724e-004\", \"I\": \"2.34745018e-005\", \"J\": \"2.24517353e-006\", \"F0\": \"1000.000\", \"Slope\": \"1.00000000\", \"Offset\": \"0.0000\"}}, {\"@Channel\": \"2\", \"ConductivitySensor\": {\"@SensorID\": \"3\", \"SerialNumber\": \"4641\", \"CalibrationDate\": \"11-Jan-17\", \"UseG_J\": \"1\", \"SeriesR\": \"0.0000\", \"CellConst\": \"2000.0000\", \"ConductivityType\": \"0\", \"Coefficients\": [{\"@equation\": \"0\", \"A\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"B\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"C\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"D\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"M\": \"0.0\", \"CPcor\": \"-9.57000000e-008\"}, {\"@equation\": \"1\", \"G\": \"-1.00114587e+001\", \"H\": \"1.40032851e+000\", \"I\": \"-3.01069025e-004\", \"J\": \"8.30956730e-005\", \"CPcor\": \"-9.57000000e-008\", \"CTcor\": \"3.2500e-006\", \"WBOTC\": \"0.00000000e+000\"}], \"Slope\": \"1.00000000\", \"Offset\": \"0.00000\"}}, {\"@Channel\": \"3\", \"PressureSensor\": {\"@SensorID\": \"46\", \"SerialNumber\": \"1145\", \"CalibrationDate\": \"26-Jan-17\", \"PA0\": \"3.05169033e+000\", \"PA1\": \"5.49286295e-004\", \"PA2\": \"-5.85332980e-013\", \"PTEMPA0\": \"-5.37146012e+001\", \"PTEMPA1\": \"5.53399016e+001\", \"PTEMPA2\": \"-5.22221705e-001\", \"PTCA0\": \"8.38401860e+006\", \"PTCA1\": \"4.20382404e+002\", \"PTCA2\": \"-7.40296004e+000\", \"PTCB0\": \"2.53178750e+001\", \"PTCB1\": \"1.75000000e-004\", \"PTCB2\": \"0.00000000e+000\", \"Offset\": \"0.000000\"}}, {\"@Channel\": \"4\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"5\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"6\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"7\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"8\", \"FluoroWetlabECO_AFL_FL_Sensor\": {\"@SensorID\": \"20\", \"SerialNumber\": \"FLRTD-4506\", \"CalibrationDate\": \"01-31-2022\", \"ScaleFactor\": \"2.40000000e+001\", \"Vblank\": \"0.0180\"}}, {\"@Channel\": \"9\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"10\"}, {\"@Channel\": \"11\"}]}}"; String interval "scans: 2"; String keywords "count, data, depth, digiquartz, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, file, index, its, its-90, latitude, local, longitude, ocean, oceans, p-file, PRESPR01, pressure, row, scan, science, sea, sea_water_pressure, sea_water_temperature, seawater, segb, segb-fc, source, statistics, temperature, TEMPS901, time, water"; String keywords_vocabulary "GCMD Science Keywords"; String license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"; String naming_authority "ca.cioos"; Float64 Northernmost_Northing 100.6665; String nquan "8"; String nvalues "11585"; String platform "ship"; String platform_id "18VD"; String platform_owner "Canadian Coast Guard"; String platform_type "research vessel"; String platform_vocabulary "https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/L06/current/"; String processing "[{\"module\": \"datcnv\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:25\", \"version\": \" [datcnv_vars = 5]\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.xml C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\CONS\\\\1145.xmlcon\", \"skipover\": \"0\"}, {\"module\": \"alignctd\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:26\", \"version\": \"\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.cnv\", \"adv\": \"c0S/m 0.100\"}, {\"module\": \"filter\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:26\", \"version\": \"\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.cnv\", \"low_pass_tc_A\": \"0.250\", \"low_pass_tc_B\": \"0.000\", \"low_pass_A_vars\": \"prdM\"}, {\"module\": \"celltm\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:27\", \"version\": \"\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.cnv\", \"alpha\": \"0.0400, 0.0000\", \"tau\": \"8.0000, 0.0000\", \"temp_sensor_use_for_cond\": \"primary,\"}, {\"module\": \"Derive\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:27\", \"version\": \" [derive_vars = 2]\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.cnv C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\CONS\\\\1145.xmlcon\"}, {\"module\": \"binavg\", \"date\": \"Sep 12 2024 14:31:27\", \"version\": \"\", \"in\": \"C:\\\\AQUIRE\\\\vla211_2024_007.cnv\", \"bintype\": \"scans\", \"binsize\": \"2\", \"excl_bad_scans\": \"yes\", \"skipover\": \"0\", \"surface_bin\": \"no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000\"}]"; String publisher_institution "Fisheries and Oceans Canada"; String publisher_url "https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/index-eng.html"; String qa_applied "2m of surface removed Drop upcast, Keep downcast only."; String sdn_platform_urn "SDN:C17::18VD"; String software_version "AquireV2 AF V2.2"; String source "/srv/sftp/dfo/nafc/uploads/ctd/bulk_unsorted/2024/vla211_2024_007.pcnv"; String sourceUrl "(local files)"; Float64 Southernmost_Northing 27.20167; String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v70"; String start_time "2024-09-12T13:45:48"; String start_time_comment "[Instrument's time stamp, header]"; String subsetVariables "wmo_platform_code,platform_name,platform_call_sign,dfo_nafc_platform_code,station"; String summary "DFO Newfoundland Bulk Unsorted dataset."; String system_upload_time "2024-09-12T14:22:54"; String time "2024-09-12T13:45:00Z"; String time_coverage_duration "P0DT0H0M0S"; String time_coverage_end "2024-10-08T12:09:40Z"; String time_coverage_start "1983-08-01T23:41:52Z"; String title "Newfoundland and Labrador Region Bulk Unsorted CTD Profiles"; Float64 trip 211; String units "specified"; Float64 wave_height 2; Float64 wave_period 4; Float64 Westernmost_Easting -1000.667; Float64 year 2024; } }
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