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Présenté par NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD |
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID | ||
data | graph | files | Daily Average Weather Data, Lord's Cove | F I M | background | CNA | cna_werc_weather_daily_avg | ||||||||
data | graph | files | 10-Minute Average Weather Data, Lord's Cove | F I M | background | CNA | cna_werc_weather_10-min_avg | ||||||||
set | data | graph | files | FORCE Meteorological Tower | F I M | background | FORCE | force_meteorological_tower | |||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, Red Bay, NunatuKavut (NLQU0005) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_red_bay_nlqu0005 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0002) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_rigolet_nlqu0002 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, Postville, Nunatsiavut (NLQU0001) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_postville_nlqu0001 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, North West River, Labrador (NLQU0007) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_north_west_river_nlqu0007 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, Black Tickle-Domino, NunatuKavut (NLQU0003) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_black_tickle_nlqu0003 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | NEGL, Cartwright Junction, Labrador (NLQU0004) | F I M | background |
| sma_negl_cartwright_junction_nlqu0004 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1431 | F I M | background |
| SPOT-1431_202204 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Wave and SST for Sable Island South SPOT 1461 | F I M | background |
| SPOT-1461_202204 | ||||||||
set | data | graph | files | CMAR - Jordan Bay | F I M | background | CMAR | cmar_fca0_698a_0716 | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | CMAR - Chedabucto Bay | F I M | background | CMAR | cmar_c5a5_c41c_2090 | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | CMAR - St. Mary's Bay | F I M | background | CMAR | cmar_8f10_9c65_13cb | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | Northern Shrimp Research Foundation (NSRF) CTD Profiles | F I M | background | DFO NAFC | nafc_nsrf_ctd_profiles | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Bulk Unsorted CTD Profiles | F I M | background | DFO NAFC | nafc_bulk_unsorted_ctd_profiles | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Historical Station 27 Hydrographic Data | F I M | background | DFO NAFC | nafc_station_27_ctd_profiles | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Multi-Species Survey Trawl-Mounted CTD Profiles | F I M | background | DFO NAFC | nafc_multispecies_ctd_profiles | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | Newfoundland and Labrador Region Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Rosette Vertical Profiles | F I M | background | DFO NAFC | nafc_azmp_ctd_profiles | |||||||
data | graph | files | Holyrood Wharf Weather Station | F I M | background | MI | SMA_holyrood_wharf | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Manolis Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_manolis_buoy | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Halifax Ocean Terminals: Fairview | F I M | background | COVE | SMA_halifax_fairview | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Halifax Ocean Terminals: Pier 9C | F I M | background | COVE | SMA_halifax_pier9c | ||||||||
data | graph | files | St. John's Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_st_johns | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Channel-Port Aux Basques Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_port_aux_basques | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Mouth of Placentia Bay Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_MouthofPlacentiaBayBuoy | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Pilot Boarding Station / Red Island Shoal Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_red_island_shoal | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Saint John Buoy | F I M | background | COVE | SMA_saint_john | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Holyrood Buoy 2 | F I M | background | MI | SMA_Holyrood_Buoy2 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Bonavista Bay Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_bonavista | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Bay of Islands Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_bay_of_islands | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Head of Placentia Bay Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_head_of_placentia_bay-come_by_chance_point | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Bay of Exploits Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_bay_of_exploits | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Fortune Bay Buoy | F I M | background | MI | SMA_Fortune_Bay_Buoy | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Halifax (Herring Cove) Buoy | F I M | background | COVE | SMA_halifax |
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